Daiju's pursuit

Juniper slumped into bed after coming back, getting home was a blur to Juniper who's mind was lingering with the thoughts of Daiju wanting to pursue him. He found himself staring blankley at the wall in search of answers.

Realising he needed some clarity, Juniper decided to seek guidance from Ciro. During his time Ciro had always been someone he could approach and one he could trust.

He made his way to Ciro's apartment and the door swung open, revealing Ciro, his stomach slightly prominent and his face was more rounded from pregnancy. ''Juniper? whats up I thought you were out today?''

Ciro moved to the side and Juniper stepped inside, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. ''Hey, Ciro. I.. I need your advice.''

Ciro led Juniper to the living room and gestured for him to sit down. ''Alright, spill the beans. What's been troubling you?''

Juniper hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. ''Daiju.. he approached me and asked if I wanted to get together. Although I like him but im hesitant. With Gio, Demetri and Yong-Jin..''

Ciro held out his hand to stop Juniper ''Hold on. Juniper, listen I know this is not what you are used to but If you feel a connection with Daiju, then explore it. Don't let fear hold you back. Life's too short to live with regrets.''

Juniper paused and fixed his faze on his fidgeting hands ''.. I suppose you're right. I just need to trust my instincts more and take a chance..''

Ciro patted Juniper on the shoulder ''Take it! Maybe it will work out maybe it won't but its worth taking a shot if you find a lifetime partner.''

As they continued their conversation, Juniper's attention shifted when he heard the front door open. Ciro's Husband, Daizen, stepped inside, his demeanor calm and composed. Juniper had heared a bit about Daizen but never met him face to face before. He could finally put a face to the name.

Ciro stood up and walked over to Daizen ''Juniper this is my husband, Daizen. He's only home on weekends, so its rare for you to meet''

Daizen nodded slightly towards Juniper before asking Ciro with overflowing concern if he has been feeling okay and he should stay still more.

''I've not got a disease!'' Ciro patted his hand off with annoyance and went back to the sofa.

''Honestly.. its always like this, this is the third! Third time! Hum.'' Ciro mumbled.

Juniper laughed a little ''Well it all comes from a good place..''

Daizen came in from the Kitchen and served some tea, ''I overheard you mention the name Daiju when I came in, I thought I had recognised you.'' Daizen directed towards Juniper.


''Oh, here'..' Daizen handed Juniper a business card which had Stardust Entertainment on it.

''Daiju is an actor under my banner, I would always catch him watching your online broadcasts...'' Daizen said with a self deprecating tone.

Juniper hesitated, unsure if he should divulge the details. But after a moment's consideration, he decided to share. ''Well, it seems daiju is interested in me,and im contemplating whether to accept. It's just.. Suprising to find out you work with him.''

''Ah, did you meet today perhaps? I wondered why he wanted to reschedual a shoot..the world is small huh? I'm sure Daiju would be very motivated to wor.. I mean it would make him much more happy if you accepted.'' Daizen smiled covering up the blunder in his words.

''This world is really small..'' Juniper echoed silently

Daizen chuckled, a hunt of pride evident in his eyes ''Indeed it is. Fate has a way of leading our lives in unexpected ways, If you're worried about Daiju's intentions, you have my word that he's genuine to you.''

Juniper felt a mix of relief and curiosity. He had met all good people in his time here, now knowing Daiju had a connection to someone he already knew, it added an intriguing layer to his situation. Perhaps there was a fate that was leading him to certain people in his life.

With this newfound assurance, Juniper said goodbye to both Ciro and Daizen for their time and went back to his apartment.

Glancing at himself in the mirror and taking a deep breath, he said to himself ''Its time to take a leap of faith, Juniper'' with more confidence in his eyes he was ready to accept Daiju.