Beast Competition start!

As the participants gathered in the arena, the atmosphere crackled with excitement and anticipation. The stands were filled to the brim with spectators eager to witness the thrilling battles between beast trainers and their companions. Juniper, sitting in the special seating booth, scanned the crowd, hoping to catch sight of Gio, Kai, and other familiar faces among the participants.

The host, a charismatic and energetic individual, stepped onto the stage, commanding everyone's attention. The roar of the crowd subsided, and all eyes turned towards the host.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most exhilarating event of the year – the Beast Trainer Competition!" The host's voice reverberated throughout the arena, igniting the enthusiasm of the audience. "Today, we have gathered some of the most talented and skilled beast trainers from all corners of the world. They are accompanied by their loyal and powerful companions, ready to showcase their bonds and abilities!"

The crowd erupted into cheers once more, their enthusiasm almost tangible. The host motioned for the participants to step forward one by one, introducing them and their loyal beast companions. Each participant's name was met with thunderous applause, and Juniper couldn't help but feel proud of Gio as he stood tall and confident, alongside his loyal partner, Bardo.

After the grand introduction, the host moved on to explain the rules of the beast competition. It was a challenging and thrilling contest that required not only strength and skill but also strategic thinking and teamwork between the trainers and their companions.

The host continued, "Now, let me explain the rules of this competition. Trainers will be separated and positioned at different locations around the perimeter of the wildlands. Each trainer will have a target card with specific beasts they need to subdue and tag to earn points."

Juniper listened attentively as the host elaborated on the rules.

A holographic projection showcased the wildlands, displaying its vast expanse and the various target cards hidden within. It was a formidable landscape, filled with dense forests, winding rivers, and imposing mountains, all teeming with formidable beasts.

The host's enthusiastic voice carried on, "You will earn points not only by subduing the beasts on your target card but also by taking down other trainers. However, remember, you can injure but not fatally harm fellow participants. Safety is our top priority!"

Juniper noted that the rules allowed for intense competition while maintaining a level of consideration for the well-being of the trainers and their beasts. The balance struck by the organizers impressed him, ensuring that the competition would be fierce yet fair.

"And now, the highlight of the competition," the host proclaimed with a dramatic pause. "The final beast in the center of the wildlands, along with a distinguished trainer of the millennia!"

The host's voice grew even more animated, "the final challenge that will test your prowess and set you apart from the rest! At the center of the wildlands, a legendary and powerful beast awaits. This beast is the most prized of a distinguished trainer of the millennia. If you can reach them and make them surrender, you will earn unparalleled honor and rewards!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, imagining the intense showdown that awaited the final victorious trainer against the powerful and distinguished beast. It was a feat only the best of the best could hope to achieve.

"Everything is broadcasted live!" the host explained, "and you'll have the chance to witness the bravery, strategies, and determination of our trainers as they venture into the heart of the unknown."

Cameras whirred to life, and screens across the arena displayed the live feed from the wildlands, where the trainers were about to embark on their extraordinary journey.

"For those of you joining us online," the host continued, "fear not! Daily footage will be released, capturing the awe-inspiring moments of this competition. Only during the trainers' rest periods will the footage pause, so you can experience every thrilling moment!"

The broadcasting schedule was announced – six hours of live footage would be available in the arena each day, and daily footage would be released online, with the exception of the times when the trainers rested. This meant that spectators could follow the competition closely, even when they couldn't be present at the arena.