Last Beast : Captured !

Day four of the beast trainer competition had arrived, and Gio and Bardo were on the hunt for their final target, the Terra Ruptura. Having successfully captured Lumina Seraphix and Sylvanleaf Nymphora, they were feeling confident.

The mountainous terrain they traversed made the journey arduous, but it also provided them with a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape.

As they ventured deeper into the mountains, the ground became rockier and more rugged. Large cavernous areas dotted the landscape, hinting at potential homes for the Terra Ruptura.

Gio and Bardo kept a keen eye out for any signs of the earth-type beast. Their senses were heightened, ready to react to any disturbance in the ground or unusual sounds that might indicate the presence of their target.

Finally, they stumbled upon a series of large digging pits. The earth around the pits had been churned up and displaced, a clear sign that the Terra Ruptura had been recently active.

As Gio and Bardo approached the digging pits, the ground beneath their feet rumbled faintly. They exchanged glances, their instincts telling them that the Terra Ruptura was nearby.

Without hesitation, Gio gave a signal to Bardo, and they proceeded with caution. The Terra Ruptura was known for its ability to manipulate the ground and create tremors, making it a dangerous opponent.

As they ventured deeper into the cavernous area, the ground began to shake more intensely. Loose rocks and debris scattered around them, and the rumbling grew louder.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them erupted, and the massive form of the Terra Ruptura emerged from the depths. It was a colossal turtle-like creature, with a shell as sturdy as stone and eyes that glowed with an intense earthy hue.

Gio and his companion bardo circled the Terra Ruptura, each side sizing up the other. Gio knew that the key to victory was to disrupt the beast's control over the ground and find an opening to strike. It would be difficult with the protection of its shell, but as with everything there was a fatal weakness.

The Terra Ruptura slammed its massive front legs onto the ground, sending shockwaves rippling toward Gio and Bardo. Gio swiftly infused the ground with energy, creating a protective barrier that deflected the tremors away.

"Bardo, now!" Gio commanded, seizing the opportunity.

Bardo lunged forward, his claws digging into the earth as he closed the distance between them and the Terra Ruptura. With a powerful swipe, he struck the beast's legs, causing it to momentarily lose its balance.

Gio followed up with an attack of his own, summoning sharp spikes from the ground to impale the Terra Ruptura's underbelly. The beast roared in pain, but it quickly retaliated, using its earth manipulation to create a wall of rocks as a shield.

The battle raged on, each side refusing to back down. The Terra Ruptura's attacks were relentless, and Gio and Bardo had to stay nimble to avoid being trapped or caught off guard.

Gio focused his energy, using his earth abilities to create a series of decoy barriers that confused the Terra Ruptura. Meanwhile, Bardo circled the beast, looking for an opening to strike.

Gio knew they couldn't afford to let their guard down for even a moment. The Terra Ruptura's mastery over the ground and high defense gave it a distinct advantage, and Gio had to rely on his wits and quick thinking to counter its attacks.

The battle wore on, Gio and Bardo were growing increasingly fatigued. The Terra Ruptura's resilience was impressive.

But Gio refused to give up. He knew that they had come too far to back down now.

With renewed determination, he focused his energy, drawing upon his earth abilities in a way he had never done before.

The ground beneath them began to shift and tremble with an intensity that surprised even the Terra Ruptura. Gio's eyes glowed with an earthy hue, and a surge of power coursed through him.

With a powerful command, Gio channeled his earth abilities to create a series of seismic waves that traveled through the ground, disrupting the Terra Ruptura's balance and stability.

The beast roared in frustration, its control over the ground momentarily faltering. This was the opening they had been waiting for as its body fell off balance.

"Bardo!" Gio called out again.

With a fierce roar, Bardo charged forward, his massive form moving with incredible speed. With a well-timed strike, he targeted the Terra Ruptura's weak points, using his brute strength to overpower the beast.

Caught off guard, the Terra Ruptura struggled to defend itself against Bardo's relentless assault. In a last-ditch effort, the Terra Ruptura attempted to retreat into its shell, hoping to shield itself from the onslaught. But Gio and Bardo were relentless, refusing to let up even for a moment.

With a final, powerful strike, Bardo caught the underbelly of the Ruptura, leaving the beast vulnerable and defeated on its back. Gio quickly moved in and tagged the Terra Ruptura, securing their victory.