Welcome Fauna and Flora

As night fell, they settled into their sleeping bags, the Verdona plant beasts curling up beside them. The air was filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the crackling of the dwindling fire.

In the cozy darkness, Juniper whispered, "Gio?"

"Yeah, Juni?"

"Thank you for helping me meet Flora and Fauna"

Gio squeezed Juniper's hand gently. "No need to thank me, they chose you of their own will."

Under the twinkling stars, they drifted into a tranquil sleep.

The next morning, as the sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, Juniper and Gio packed up their camp. The Verdona plant beasts swayed happily, seemingly content after a restful night. 

They made their way back out and once they reached the outskirts of the Wildlands, Juniper took out his communication device and dialed Ciro's number. After a few rings, Ciro's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey, Juniper!" Ciro greeted with a cheerful smile.

"Ciro! I hope you can help, we have a little injured friend here," Juniper replied, turning the camera to show Fauna, the Verdona plant beast that had sustained injuries during the lizard attack.

Ciro's expression shifted to concern. "Oh no! Bring it to the Beast Hospital. I'll make sure they get the best care."

"Thanks, Ciro. We'll be there soon," Juniper said, ending the call.

Gio drove Juniper over to the Beast Hospital where Ciro greeted them with a white coat. He examined with gentle expertise, tending to their injuries with care.

"Looks like they be fine with some rest and care" Ciro said, smiling at Juniper. 

Juniper sincerely thanked Ciro 

Ciro patted Fauna's leaves affectionately. "It's my pleasure. And hey, it's not every day you get to treat plant beasts since not a lot of people have them. They're lucky to have you, Juniper."

After getting the OK from Ciro, Gio took Juniper back to his apartment. The Verdona plant beasts, now under Juniper's contractual care, seemed at ease, their vines swaying gently with the rhythm of the journey.

As they pulled up to Juniper's apartment building, Juniper turned to Gio with a grateful smile. "Thanks again Gio. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Anytime, Juni. Give me a call next week when you move out, I'll help you out."

With a quick kiss, Juniper hopped out of the vehicle, the two Verdona plant beasts following suit. Gio watched as they made their way into the apartment building. Juniper looked back, waving with enthusiasm, and Gio reciprocated with a wave of his own before driving off.

Once inside, Juniper led his newfound companions through the apartment. 

"Welcome to your new home, Fauna and Flora!" Juniper exclaimed, addressing the Verdona plant beasts.

Juniper led them through the rooms, pointing out where they'd have their own space. "Here's where you can rest, and over there is the window where you'll get plenty of sunlight."

Juniper opened the window, allowing a soft breeze to waft in. Fauna and Flora responded by swaying their vines a little more vigorously, clearly appreciating the fresh air.

"Now," Juniper said, "we're going to move to a new place soon, and there'll be even more room for you both to stretch out. So it's only temporary but the new place will be so much better for you."

As if understanding Juniper's words, the Verdona plant beasts seemed to share in his excitement.

Juniper took out some peculiar-looking fruits out from his backpack "I will make you some food for you, ok?" 

With utmost care, Juniper sliced and diced the ingredients, creating a colorful medley of fruit. The room filled with the enticing aroma of freshly prepared food, a delightful blend of sweet and sour.

As Juniper worked, the two Verdona plant beasts observed him with curious eyes. Their vines swayed gently, as if expressing gratitude for the care they were receiving. Juniper couldn't help but smile at their cute presence.

"All right, here you are" Juniper announced, presenting the vibrant array of fruit salad to the Verdona plant beasts. The plants seemed to shimmer with excitement, their leaves rustling in anticipation.

He placed the food in front of the Verdona plant beasts, and they immediately began to interact with the offerings.

The Verdona plant beasts extended their vines, delicately picking up pieces of fruit. It was an unusual sight – a dance of vines and leaves as they enjoyed the feast prepared by Juniper.

Juniper was curious crouched down at their level looking at them eating, as much as they look like plants they were still a type of beast. It wasn't like they had teeth to eat it though it was more just swallowing it whole so juniper thought they must have strong digestive power.