The meeting

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James Langdon stood speechless, staring at the door that has been banged in his face. In his life, if they have told him that he would be called to the hotel today to deliver a pack of condom to his girlfriend so she can use it to cheat on him, he wouldn't have believed a single word. But surprisingly today, he has been called to deliver a pack of condom to a hotel, disgraced by his girlfriend and dumped. He wanted to cry, but the tears were all dried up from his eyes.

He stood at the door for some minutes, lost in a Hicksville of spiraling thoughts, how he felt, was unfathomable. He still couldn't believe how unlucky he is to be treated in such callous way by his girlfriend whom he has worked his butt off to see to it that he at least meet her demands. He felt unimaginable sorrow in his heart. Minutes passed slowly as he stood rooted with his back to the wall and eyes closed. Memories came flooding his mind, he could see her laughter, her joy, he could feel and could vividly remember the love they had. It was all blissful, but in the midst of the happiness, after some moments, the joyous memories became a sharp arrow that pierce through his heart, he could vividly hear her voice shouting on him just some minutes ago, " I thought you could provide me with my needs, but little did I know you are as poor as church rats, you know what, I was blind accepting you in the first place, I was blind suffering with you and calling it love! See, I cannot continue to suffer with you, and since you've already found out I am cheating on you, I will do you the honor of breaking up with you! Get out of my sight, just your presence disgusts me!". Every word shot into him and broke him into pieces.

After what looked like eternity, he opened his eyes that have darkened, moments after opening his eyes, he shook his head out of anger, and quietly vowed a vow that he was going to make sure he would work to be very wealthy and he will never be poor in his life. Furthermore, he would ensure to pay back whatever has been done to him. He would get back at the bitch that dumped him and their relationship for the lust of money.

With a heavy heart, He quietly made his way out of the hotel, and rode his delivery bike absentmindedly to his work place. When he reached the shop, he alighted from the bike, and went to drop the keys, luckily for him that was his last order of the day. He went to the workers bathroom to freshen up, he stood under the shower for some time, trying to wash the stigma and shame of the day that he had received by his girl, Afterwards, he came out and hurriedly got dressed and when he was done, he left the shop through the backdoor.

As he was strolling down the road, his phone rang, he looked at his phone and saw an unknown number calling. Upon glancing, he decided it was best to ignore the phone call. But unfortunately for him the number kept on calling repeatedly. This got him so pissed off, he felt so angry that he wanted to throw his phone away, but on a second thought, he chose that it was best to answer the phone call because of the repeated times of calls, as he didn't know what the emergency was, especially for the unknown number not to give him a break in the calls. He took in a deep breath as he answered the call, he didn't want to explode upon answering. When the call connected, before he could ask who the caller was, he heard a voice that always melts his heart, a voice that always gives him comfort, a voice that he couldn't get angry or upset at, the voice always have a way of driving sorrows away from his heart anytime he was sorrowful, he heard the voice of his mom.

"Hello, James, Errm..... please can you meet me up at the Clearlake Golden tower?" His mom's soft voice sounded in his ear. To him, her request looked strange, but he could only respond with an Ok, I will be there, give me some minutes. After hanging up the call, he stood as he took few deep breaths and exhaled. Then he turned around and hailed a cab, which stopped for him, he entered the cab and gave the cab driver his destination location, when he said he was going to Clearlake golden tower, the cab driver turned to look at him out of disbelief, but he still nodded and started the car, heading straight to the direction.

In the car, he kept wondering why his mom had suddenly given him that phone call, and why she has asked for his presence at Clearlake Golden Tower. What is she doing there? He wondered, is it that she has entered into trouble with the Humphrey family? He couldn't wrap his mind on the reason of his mom's request.

He knew that the Humphrey family were the richest family in the whole Sherrington, in fact, they hailed from the West of the country, and they belong amongst the six super families in the west. Though they cannot rival the families of the North, and those in the south, but they are still considered a big name in the country. So why has his mom suddenly requested his presence at the golden tower and asked him to come and meet her in one of the buildings belonging to the Humphrey's. Sighing, he said a little prayer for his mom in his heart, hoping that all is well. Since he can't find out what is wrong by his analysis in his mind, he would have to wait still when he sees his mom physically, in order to ask her what exactly is the reason for her requesting him to appear at the golden tower; the city's tallest building.

After a short trip of about fifteen minutes, the cab gradually came to a stop at the bus stop located a hundred meter from the front gate of the golden tower, the cab driver gave an explanation about the no cab rule that is in place governing the golden tower. He was surprised as why such rule should be in existence but on a second thought, he could understand why such rule was in existence, indeed the building's elegance and its pulchritudinous grandeur set it worlds apart from anything found in the city. This attribute alone is the main reason that the rule will be in place. Such fantabulous scenery will not want to be tainted; the building represents the statuesque of wealthy, so they won't allow any tom, dicks and harry to pack in front of their gates or enter their premises. No matter who you are.

He paid the cab man the required fare, then he set off on his short journey towards the tower as he began his stroll towards the main gate of the tower, hands in his pocket, airpods in his ears, jamming to blues. After a very short while, he finally reached the gate of the tower, he turned towards the security post located at the gate to inquire how he would be able to enter, so he can meet his mom. When he arrived at the post, he was asked to give a call to the person that requested his presence. So, he gave his mother a call, informing her that he was in, but was waiting at the gate as that he wasn't allowed into the building without the person that asked for his presence giving the order. His mom responded that he should wait for her, that she will be with him in a short while.

Hearing this, he smiled and informed the security men at the gate about the outcome of the call, and decided it was best to stand and wait for her, since she said she will personally come for him, he will be glad to set himself aside and wait for her. As he waited, he stood and observed the several cars that drove into and out of the building, he was shocked about the level people will go to in order to flaunt their wealth. He was amazed, the level of sophistication each visitors carried, and the aura they flaunt themselves with. He kept observing every car and personality, and he felt he was out of place.

As he stood waiting and observing, he noticed a black Mercedes E530 pass by and stop just a few meters away from him, then before he could say the word Jack, a fair lady jumped out of the car. The fair lady looked very pretty, but to James, the structure was familiar to him, as the lady turned around, all that came to James's mind was that the devil has resurrected.

Under his breath he could only say, "Oh shit! The devil's incarnate has found me, I wonder what will happen, damn! I wasn't supposed to stay here."

Gloominess and depression were written all over his face, as he prepared himself mentally for the onslaught about to happen in the next few seconds. Before he could open his mouth to say anything, with a bang, he heard a resounding voice that was like a nightmare to him, the voice sounded and resounded saying, "Hey you good for nothing! Why are you stalking me, why can't you understand, that you are not worthy of me! I have found someone better than you, someone of worthy class! Unlike you, you good for nothing!!!"

Everybody's eyes turned to look at both of them, James felt heat of embarrassment rise within him, he felt shameful that he had dated this so-called uncultured idiot, he was disappointed in himself that he didn't see ahead. Even with all these feelings, Jasmine refused to identify her shame, as she continued to berate him. James stood rooted in his tracks, as he faced her with a darkened eye, he was upset and mad, this was the girl he had sacrificed a lot for, this was the girl, he has worked his butt off for, this was the demon he had planned on marrying, he couldn't believe this well cultured girl could actually have a beast side residing deep inside her beautiful and graceful body. A beast of this calibre, in his head, he still wondered what was the driving catalyst that caused the change he was seeing.

To Jasmine, she felt that he had been stalking her, for him to be able to appear her, it can only mean he had been stalking her, and he had managed to know she would appear at the tower, so he had come to wait for her in advance. To her, this action was shameful. She felt he was so shameful for chasing her like a dog. She has left him, so why is he so clingy.

Little did she know that she has nothing to do with his presence, but she had read it all wrong. She didn't even care to find out the truth, but instead she kept on in such shameful, disgraceful act. James, tried his best to say something, but before he could even open his mouth to try and talk some sense into her head, she exploded all over again, ""You good for nothing! Listen up!!! why don't you leave my life alone, you know, I have told you it is over between us!!! Tell me what else do you want? Is it because I denied you sex and had it with another person? Is it sex you want? Hear this and hear this well, I Jasmine, I will never have sex with you, do you want to know why? It is because you are worthless and hopeless, you are like a church rat that can never progress out of his poverty in this life and even in your next one!!! I will rather die than have sex with you!"

Her words were like triggers found on the gun, that when pulled was very deadly; his pride was shattered at this moment, everyone's heads turned to look at James with sinister eyes and mockery. He felt so ashamed, he wished the earth should swallow him but at the same time he also knew that he had to stand up to the bitch and leave a good impression on the people paying attention to the façade ensuing.

Although, he never phantom that he will be disgraced to this degree, he still wondered what he did that he was able to receive this so much hate. This was because the scenario that played out in front of him was one of the most embarrassing moments, he had ever encountered in his life time. After some time of thinking, a nasty grin appeared on his face, in the midst of the embarrassment he was like a prideful lion looking at humans getting trapped by their own trap that was set earlier by them. His look greatly surprised the on lookers and Jasmine, because they felt he won't even be able to raise his head again but he was doing the opposite. With the sinister smile, he said loudly as he shook his head, "Aren't you ashamed of your own stupidity? I never knew someone could be such a nincompoop!!! You are such a pity!!! Oh, by the way, I am not pitying you but actually your parents, the parents that gave birth to you could have prevented this accident called you from happening, you know, one condom could have solved this case of nuisance you have been exhibiting, no wonder you like condoms nowadays, you are just trying to send a message to your parents that they really did make a mistake." He Paused, as he gave her a smirk with a face saying, you are finished….. the air became rigid, as the air became frozen, he continued with his banter….. "Furthermore, in response to your accusation, I have some few words for you, You have been living in a series of dreams, how can I, I mean a sane person like me be chasing after a dimwit like you, or be stalking such an accident of a person like you? Even the devil would not chase after you or want to have anything to do with you! I will rather chase after a troll than you, I was never stalking you, neither do I want to have sex with a cheap whore like you that her only mechanism for making money is to have sex with people, you think you are better off now that you can ride a Mercedes? Sorry to burst your tiny, whiny, underdeveloped bubbles, I am not interested in a shallow person like you, a materialistic, Ravenous, Rapacious, Avaricious bastard like you. You can go to hell if you like, I don't give a damn about you and oh!!!! Do me a fucking favour and get out of my sight! You are blocking the fresh air I am trying to breathe; you are such an eye sore. Oh, before you go, I have an advice for you, the advice is this, before you open your nonsensical mouth to say anything to me again, do a thorough check up on your freaking brain, and make sure you carried your brain with you and not an empty head! Good day!!!"

Everywhere went silent, Jasmine stood deep rooted in shock with her mouth Agape, she couldn't believe what her ears just heard, she wanted to disgrace James today, but he had washed her dignity down to the ground in front of all these wealthy men and women and the security men. She felt very much embarrassed. She had been disgraced to the power thousand times thousands; how could she ever regain her dignity she has lost here today? She thought to herself. If she had known that this would be the end result, she would have sat her ass in the car.

It took some time before the spectators and Jasmine could recollect themselves, and by the time they could grasp what exactly happened, A woman who looked like she was in her forties, appeared on the scene, she gave off a majestic aura as she took one step after another, it was as if a divine being was grazing the earth in a human form. Their eyes followed her, as she walked on and came to stand in front of James, she stood for some time, observing him, her eyes were scrutinizing him for every information she could siphon out of him. After some moments, she turned to glance at Jasmine with no emotions written on her face, her eyes didn't give off any hint whether she was mad or solemn, they felt scary to look at, which forced Jasmine to bow her head.

With these few actions, she understood everything that has conspired before she appeared, she felt sad, her son has suffered enough. With a heavy heart, she took James hands into hers and started making way towards the Golden tower.

The Clearlake Golden Tower stood at a one hundred and fifty story building, fully glassed with golden hued tinted glass from the food of the tower all the way to the topmost top peak of the building, it scenery resembled a futuristic design reserved for an alien majesty. As he continued walking with his mom, he maintained the silence, but in his mind, he had ten thousand questions running through his mind, but even with such a chaotic mind, he managed to keep his calm. As they walked on, they passed by Jasmine, when they reached where Jasmine stood, His mother came to a halt, as she looked at her and then leaned into her to whisper something into her ears, as the whispering went on, Jasmine countenance underwent series of changes, after she was done whispering, Jasmine facial expression read dread!!! Whatever the mid-forties woman has said must have been really scary to be able to register such expression after such a few second whispering. They couldn't phantom what exactly must have been said.

With a sinister smile, she took a sweeping glance at the shaking and dreadful Jasmine whom stood rooted to the spot, shaking in fear, all she wanted to do was to disappear, but she has been told to ask normal, as if nothing has happened.

After seeing that her words have had the rightful effects on her, she nodded solemnly as she took James hands again and led him towards the building. When they got to the entrance of the building, he noticed that the Bodyguards guarding the entrance, slightly bowed at them. These actions weren't repeated with other guests, and he also noticed his mom slight nod, before they passed through the main door. He took a quick glance at his mom with a questioning eye, but his mom ignored his eyes, and only said, "I know you have questions, and I am not the right person to answer such questions, you wait still we reach our destination, then all your questions will be given full answers.

He smiled bitterly, but acknowledged her words, this was because nothing he could say will convince her to explain matters to him, knowing her character, it will be a lost cause. They entered the building, when they finally entered, shock overwhelmed him, the lobby was tiled in a majestic onyx gold marble tile, with the pillars gilded with pure gold, and the chairs were made of best quality mahogany and oak, which complimented the golden hued reflections of the pillar and ground, with the wall splashed with artifacts and paintings. Indeed, it was heavenly. They quickly made their way through the lobby and approached an elevator that read "Reserved for Sky ridders".

He didn't understand what they meant by sky ridders or why his mom brought him to this particular location. Before he could open his mouth to question his mom, her hands have already pressed on the elevator button, which clicked green, and in a moment, the door opened, revealing an elevator made out of full blood stone gem and the elegance red sapphire. They entered and took a ride up to the last floor.

The ride, was peaceful, quiet, and swift. After a few minutes of the ride, they finally reached their destination, after coming to a stop, the elevator took some few seconds for the door to open, as this was a norm carried out by the elevator, this norm came as a result of the programme that the elevator operates, the main goal of the program is to give the ridders ample time to get set fully before getting out, the programmers didn't want the ridders of the elevator to be caught in any embarrassing moments whilst they took the elevator ride.

The door of the elevator slowly opened, revealing a mesmerizing scene. The scenery beauty and glamour gave James the feeling of stepping into another dimension that isn't found on earth.

As he stepped unto the hallway, he stood rooted to the spot for some moments, carefully absorbing everything he could see, the hall way was like a garden that has been carefully cultivated in paradise and brought to earth, it was like a direct photocopy of heavenly paradise. He never imagined in his dreams that he would see such beautiful place, the floor was gilded with pure gold, and the wall was splashed with a mixture of diamond, blue sapphire and aquamarine gem stones. He was amazed by the carefully sculptured and crafted hall way. He wondered how much resources were poured into the design and implementation of this topnotch scene.

After some few moments of immersing himself into the grandeur scenery that he found himself in, his mother tugged on his shoulder, bringing him back into reality. Out of embarrassment, he quickly lowered his head as he apologized to his mother for his actions that drew the attention of the few people in the grand hall way. His mother smiled at him partly out of love and partly out pity. As a mother, she could understand him and where he his actually coming from with this attitude. She knew that it wouldn't be easy to suddenly adapt and act as if all was normal on the first day of seeing what it is like to live a wealthy man's life.

She shook her head smiling, and pulled him towards the grand gate-like door, located at the end of the hall way. They walked slowly, approaching the giant like door that rose up to the ceiling, the door was majestic with golden lion heads on each side of the gate-like door. Upon reaching the gate-like doorway, his mom tapped on the door thrice, and afterwards took a step back as the door gradually was pulled opened from inside. When the gate-like door opened up, A large room was revealed, the room was painted all white with a splash of ash on the white. It gave off the aura of Kingship and gods. If the hall way was termed to be paradise, then the room was termed to be heaven itself.

He looked at his mom's smiling face with a face filled with questions and curiosity. His mom in response to his facial expression, nodded at him, as she invited him into the room.

As he entered the room, he observed the long line of men adorned in all black attire standing next to the wall, observing everything occurring with eyes as sharp as the eagle. At the centre of the room was an area lined with couches and arm chairs and he also noticed some men seated on these couches. As his eyes landed on one of the center couches, a man whom looks like he was in his seventies adorned in white also looked at his direction. With their eyes meeting, James felt an insurmountable pressure and aura emanating from the man. He could feel that this man wasn't just anybody. He could also feel that this meeting wasn't just a simple one.

Whoever the man was, he seems he was the leader of the meeting and with the way he was looking at him, and it seems he was trying to read into him. But unfortunately for this old man, he met the wrong person. He had trained himself to block off people who tries to read into him. The old man's gaze lingered for some few seconds, before he nodded his head in acknowledgement at James, then turned to looked at his mom, nodding also, before turning his head towards the empty chair in front of him. This action was immediately interpreted that the old man has accepted James and invited him to have a seat in front of him for the discussion to begin.

Although James was still confused about what was happening, he actually understood what just ensued, he looked at his mom, who also nodded back at him, and began to walk towards an empty Arm chair that was placed next to a man in his late forties.

This move rose an eye brow on James's face, he still couldn't understand how his mom could act so freely with these set of people, like it was still not sitting well within him. While he was still lost in a Hicksville of thought, he heard a cough that brought him back into consciousness. He looked up and saw the man in his late forties beckoning unto him to come and have his seat. He knew that the inevitable is about to commence, even with these thoughts, he took large strides towards the empty seat in front of the elder. He sat down slowly, his gaze fixed on the elder face, both eyes locking once more.

He felt the same aura and pressure emanating from the old man once again, but this time he felt relaxed, he wasn't scared of the man because he knows very well that the man would have a difficult time prying into him using the same tactics. When he finally sat down, a smile appeared on his face for a moment before he changed into a serious mode.

Before he could open his mouth to say anything, the old man beat him to talk, "You must be James Langdon, indeed! You have grown into a remarkable young man. Our plan is coming into full fruition!"

James's face changed as he thought, who is this crooked old man? Which freaking plan is he talking about?

The old man smiled as he watched James's facial expression going through a string of changes. He waited for some moments, he wanted his words to cement and raise the curiosity of James. He smiled inwardly as he knew what he said will surely have the required effects he wanted.

After some few moments, he finally continued, "My son, it looks like you are finding it difficult to grasps what I just said right? Well, my son, I will explain it to you what I meant just now, it all started when you were just a child, the family was undergoing series of problems, we were on a brink of destruction and your life was going to be affected, a lot was happening in the family, so, in order to protect you, I instructed your mother to take you far from the family to safeguard you, this decision was as a result of you being my favorite grandchild and the next helmsman of the Bush family, the most powerful family in Capital, located in the south of the country. Although I told your mom to take you far away, I couldn't provide her with the needed assistance, due to the ongoing war in the family and amongst the big families in the south. I know you must be wondering who I am, well, my son, my name is Jackson Bush, the current Helmsman of the Bush family."

James's face underwent series of changes whilst Jackson was talking, from surprise, to confusion, then to anger. His face and eyes darkened! He couldn't understand why they had to sacrifice the family joy for the sake of family wealth. He couldn't understand why this old man decided to push them far and allowed them to pass through hardship, if not for their surviving spirits and some good Samaritans they encountered whilst growing up, do this man think he would have met flesh and blood? Pffttt he would have met skeletons, now he had the audacity to appear here to talk thrash about wealth and family!!!!

"What did you just say, old man? Are you trying to tell me you abandoned your own family because of a war that was happening in your freaking family and the fact you wanted the bush family to stand out amongst the wealthiest family in the south? You abandoned your own family because there was trouble in the Bush family? Like I am still amazed, didn't your old skull tell you not to amass such effrontery to even appear in this city, not to talk of before my mother and I? How dare you still have the courage and audacity to talk to me and tell me all these thrashes! Even if you are the strongest family in the south, even if you are the strongest family in the whole world, I don't care, how dare you abandon my mother and I, just in the name of family crises?"

"James Langdon..." His mother Clara screamed; James turned to face his mom with blazing eyes which caused her to keep shut automatically. She had never felt this aura that was spreading from him before. She has never seen this side of her son before.

Out of shock she kept mute, seeing her attitudes, James turned his head back to face Jackson squarely, waiting for his response. Jackson on the other hand, smiled at James, within him he was very happy, for the short time, both of them have interacted, he had seen the hardship he, James, have seen and faced have groomed him to be fearless and bold, a trait that will make a very good helmsman, he wouldn't be bullied easily into a corner, he would be able to stand face to face with any enemy that might arise. He was very satisfied with the behaviour and reaction he was getting.

Smiling, he responded, "Temper, Temper… Why don't you calm down and end the unnecessary flaring up, listen to me, it won't do you any good."

His plan was to push James Langdon to the brink of madness and observe his behaviour. He wanted to see what can instigate him to get really angry, so he could finally access him thoroughly, since he couldn't read him initially, he wanted to create a medium where James will lose guard and by loosing guard open himself up for him to access him.

James wasn't taking what the old man was saying lightly, he busted up in flames as he screamed banging the table, "Listen up cranky old man! You are irritating me right now, do you know! You didn't care about my survival, neither did you care about if my mother survived or not, oh by the way, if you are here, where on earth is that good-for-nothing bastard of a father that could leave his wife and son to suffer such tribulations for years and not coming to his family aid!!! Where is he?"

"James Langdon!!! How dare you speak to your grandfather and about your father in such a way? What on earth has entered into you?" His mom squealed in anger. She was fuming, she felt humiliated that her son could act this way in front of her family and speak about her husband that way, the man she loved was ridiculed by his own son.

"Mother! Are you calling this cranky old man my grandfather and are you trying to defend my good for nothing father? I don't understand you at all, how can you be so forgiving? Have you forgotten the shame, the ridicule, the trials, the near-death experiences, the times you were almost raped on the street just because you wanted to make ends meet? Have you forgotten all these experiences so soon? After all that have happened, you are still supporting this useless family and the so called person you call a husband, you disappoint me mom!! You really disappoint me! I get the fact that you love them, but that doesn't give them any criteria to treat us in such manner mom!" James blasted back at his mother. He was angry at her behaviour, she doesn't realize that they treated her like thrash, for years they didn't care about her, why is it now that they are now showing up? What do they want?

His mom was speechless, she was shocked that her son berated her in such manner, it has never happened before. Though she was angry, she couldn't say anything. She could understand and feel his pains. She felt uneasy and this feeling of uneasiness caused her to lower her head out of shame.

He looked at his mother with deep eyes, he felt hurt that this so-called family members have returned to disturb the peace in their home. He felt hurt that his external family and his own father abandoned him when they needed them most. How could he easily forgive them? How could he ever forgive them?

"My son, I know you are angry, I know you are hurt that we didn't come to your rescue, I know you are mad at us that we left you to suffer even though we were wealthy and powerful. I can only offer my sincere apology. It wasn't planned for you to suffer to such extent, but after we were able to survive the war, we had a meeting with your mother, asking if she wants to return to the family, but your mother said it wasn't time yet, she wanted you to be trained in hardship, so you will realize the nitty-gritty of hardship and that will help to shape you into a better person and into someone who will learn how to value wealth when you enter into it. Why we have appeared back into your life, is because the time has reached for us to come back into your life. I know you are upset, but understand this, we never neglected your mother and you. Do you think all those times you and your mother has been saved it was all luck? It wasn't luck, my dear boy, it was my people that was working behind the scene. So, you see dear boy, this was all orchestrated." Jackson said calmly as he picked up the cup of tea in front of him to drink with his eyes fixed on James.

He had to tell the truth earlier than he planned because he noticed his strategy couldn't work out, James couldn't be seen through, so the best is coming clean.

On the other hand, Jackson words seemed to have an effect for some moments, but then after some seconds passed, his anger arose once more, this time he wasn't angry about the facts that they neglected him, he was mad about the fact that they used him as a lab rat to experiment.

His emotions took a better of hold of him, with so much anger he exploded at them screaming, "How dare you people! How dare you! You all used me as a lab rat just because you are looking for a greater good! Did I ever tell you I want to become the helmsman of a useless family that only focuses on themselves and what they can achieve and neglecting their very own. If this is why I was surmoned here today, I will rather leave this place. I don't want to have anything to do with the Bush family, or the Humphreys or even if you are a celestial, read my lips, count me out, I don't care about your identity a tiny bit!!!" After screaming and glancing at everyone angrily, he stormed off, out of the office he went, out of the entire building and headed back to his dorm.

Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions for him, firstly he broke up with his girlfriend in the rudest way possible, then he had an embarrassing encounter with his now ex-girlfriend at the golden tower, the encounter almost rubbed him off his dignity if not he was quick witted and was able to turn bad situations around by the flick of the hand. Then his family members rose up from nowhere to tell jack and bull stories about some shit that happened in his family. Like he was just fed up with everything and he wished that the day can just pass and he could start afresh.

Back at the golden tower pent house office, the Humphreys and the Bush family sat still for a while, nobody uttered a word. Some of them were left in shock by the actions of James whilst others were just amazed by his brazen attitudes.

Part of the people who were left amazed by his attitudes was the Helmsman of the Bush family, Jackson Fantaray Bush. He was a bit elated and a bit amazed. He was elated because he felt that he had found the rightful heir to the Bush family wealth, his efforts had paid off, and he was amazed because he never thought James would be well groomed to this extent.

After what resembled like a decade have passed, laughter was heard resonating through the silent air. Everybody turned to the source of the laughter, upon seeing where the laughter was emanating from, everyone else was stupefied.

Jackson was laughing, it was rare for him to smile, but now he was laughing!!!

Before anyone could say anything, the old man squealed excitingly, "I have found my successor, I have found the rightful heir to my seat. Now a worthy successor has arisen. Listen up everybody, from today onwards, the highest power after me is James Langdon Bush, he will be most respected, all companies in Sherrington City that is under the Bush family control will be headed by James Langdon. From today onwards, we will return to the capital tomorrow but Clara will stay back to watch over him, Clara listen, if there is anything going on that you can't handle, you must inform us about it with immediate effects, don't wait for too long before it too late to reach out, there is nothing we can't solve in this nation. Is that understood everyone?"

The rest of the people blinked as they stared at him, there was no objection in any way at all. What can they say when the person that represent the supreme power has spoken. They just nodded their heads, acknowledging their response. Then that was how the meeting was brought to a close.

Clara left for her home as the Bush and Humphrey's departed, getting ready to return to their respective destinations. Although, she missed her husband very much, they have to remain distant for the time being, she was already been used to the separation but it still hit her hard. She actually knew before the meeting that it would be hard convincing her son to forgive her family, but she still wanted to give it a try, maybe he might change his mind and, in the end, her wish wasn't granted as her son behaved exactly how she thought he would, he even behaved in an extra manner.

Even with the disappointment she felt, she was still grateful that her son made her proud in front of her father. She being the first born of her father, she has always been treated unfairly in terms of inheritance fight, but little did she know that her son will bring glory to her at last.