Titanomachy ll

< Then tell us. How are you better? >

Zeus was about to shout outward, but the question had settled into his heart. < He is smarter. > Memories he didn't know he had came to surface. Aemond guiding his siblings in the war. Zeus saw the times Aemond had trained and sparred with him, teaching him new ways to use his lightning.

' That doesn't-'

< He is better, smarter, observing, faster, stronger, confident, powerful, caring, understanding and most of all….he is a better leader than you....> Moments of the hidden past broke their way inside of the lightning god'd head, flooding it with memories word after word.

"STOP!!" Zeus yells as an explosion of electricity erupts from his body. His body still on auto pilot as it battles a similarly controlled Cronos.

"ZEUS!" Poseidon yells from the sea as burst from it, landing beside his brother. "Lets go, we need to go!" He says as he points over the horizon at the Titans coming to back their king.

< A move Aemond taught you…>



Poseidon had personally contain his brother as he learned of Zeus's lone attack against Cronos. While he might've just helped him, he could do nothing when the rest of the titans showed up, especially Hyperion and Atlas.

"How could you be so stupid, even I am not so rash. Aemond would have words with you brother." At Poseidon's words, Zeus erupts into anger.

"You Dare Say His Name In Front Of Me Now? I dont care what words he would have with me!" Furious rage takes over Zeus for a moment.

"YOU WILL CALM DOWN!" The elder brother screams, his own hotheadedness coming into play.






"Enough." Hades's smooth voice interrupts them. "Your petty arguments are not needed."


And after 3 more years, Zeus had become exhausted, mentally he had waged a war on his own mind while fighting the Titans forces. However, the day would come when…..

< Zeus. > The voice had called out to him.

"What more do you want?" He silently replied. To deep in his thoughts to argue once again.

< I know how you can prove yourself. Prove better than Aemond. > Zeus's ears perked up at those hushed words.

"How- wait…why would I even listen to you, its just another trick." He said.

< We both know you NEED this. If this goes on for any longer….they'll follow Aemond instead. >

His anger flares up for a moment as those words come out. "YOU-...…..continue." He barely reigns in his rage.

< You must travel deep into Gaea's crust. As deep below as the heavens are high. You must make this journey alone. To match the Titans fury you must breach the gates of Tartaros, and claim your birthrites. >



"You wont get past me that easily, Spawn of Cronos." The…..whatever it is spewed out hatefully.

Zeus had taken the voice in his head to heart and traversed to the pit of Tartaros, passing danger of all kind. "Kampe…" He announces. "I never intended to simply slide past you. You allied with my father, therefore you must perish."

Kampe was a monstrous centaurine creature with the upper body of a woman and the tail of a serpent in place of legs. She had serpentine hair, fifty bestial heads--lions, boars and other wild animals--arranged about her shoulders or waist, and a thousand vipers for "feet". Dark wings graced her shoulders and above her head she raised a deadly scorpion-sting.

Her tongue coiled dangerously at the threat. "Save yourself the trouble and simply walk into my mouth, O Son of Cronos." She jested.

"No." He replies as he turns invisible.

"Disappeared!?" Surprise stuns Kampe for an instant. "I know not what trick shields you from my sight, but now you will burn in the flames of KAMPE!" She screeches out as a torrent of hell-fire like purple flames, disintegrate tons of rock in front of her in a moment.

"You cannot burn, what your flames cannot touch. And you…can no longer touch me Kampe."


His voice echoes all around her. "I am invisible, immaterial!"

"Trickery!?" Another blast of fire bursts from her mouth.

Reality plays a sick game as a series of very coordinated 'coincidences' crack a speared pillar above the monster. < Or perhaps it is your age which betrays you. > Kampe hears an unfamiliar voice above her snout. Aiming upward to bathe whoever it is in flame, her eyes meet a falling sharp cone-like boulder. As her mouth is already open, the boulder falls into her gaping maw.

Purple glow illuminates the rock as she releases her fiery breath.

*BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM* The conveniently place sharp rock and dragons blast results in an enormous explosion, shaking the cave they're in.

Pieces of her skin catch fire, illuminating the dark cave. "How generous of Kampe to light the way, I am weary of traversing such darkness." He says as his invisibility wears off.

A long tread takes him deeper into Tartaros until he come across the door. Tall as 150 feet, its stands titanic in his presence. "Why should it be easy?" He jokingly mumbles as he places his hands upon the door, and with his pushing and all his force it opens, leading to another cave of darkness.

Voices come from the darkness. "What do we have here?"

"Has she come to torture us with freedom once more?"

"No. My uncles! I have come to free you all! If you only help us in our overthrowing of Cronos!" Zeus spoke to the prisoners passionately.

Hope had quickly overfilled their hearts. At last…finally they would be free.

But then...

A unfamiliar voice spoke in their heads, all simultaneously.

< Did Cronos not promise the same thing? >