
Three hours until I'm out of this hell hole that helps me pay rent.

Three hours until I have the best date of the year 2026. His name is Queen sized bed queen is a girl but it's 2026 and a guy can be a queen right?

I know, I know. I sound like a loner for that but in my defense. I hate humans. Like ugh we are terrible little beings who sit on a rock in space and gripe and moan. And may I add are the only known species who have to pay to live. Do you know that it costs thousands to die? The average damn funeral cost is around 15,000.

I have friends Jake and Kent, they are all I need. But omg a girl needs a break from all the drama that surrounds men sometimes.

It's currently 8:00pm. And I'm off the clock at 11:15pm heck I'm not even sure if that equals three hours. Math and I aren't really on speaking terms as of lately.

I turn to look at my current costumer a regular by the name of Carrel. If I don't make eye contact around 7 times per 30 seconds she's gonna want my manager cause she thinks I'm trying to con her out of money.

"That's going to be $456.97 mam." I say dreading her next few words.

"Young lady there's no way I'm spending that much on groceries you really going to make me pay that much?"

Taking a deep breath I start to come up with an answer to that as my heart begins palpitating due to my extreme anxiety no one knows about cause I keep it at bay.

Upon the 3rd breath. I notice the lights overhead flicker and the computer suddenly goes black.

I look at my phone to see the screen is frozen in time 11:45pm.

There's no way it's that time. I just looked at the time. I think to myself.

"Oh my. What happened to the computer. This better not be some scheme to get more money out of me."

"Lady. I don't want your money. Even if you wanted to give me a tip. I couldn't take it because this job won't allow it. So please don't think of me like that."

"Young Lady. Get me your manager. You don't get to speak to grown ups like that."

"Lady I am 26 years old. You have a license that says you are 66 my own grandmothers age who acts more of a grown up then you. So tell me who the adult is here?"

"Get me your damn manager or I'm suing you for all you are worth."

Suddenly I've had it. My anxiety is here and alive.

I scream at her at the top of my lungs and tell her to fuck off.

But as I do this power surge that felt like it came from within me goes through the whole building there are only about 6 people here. But as the buildings lights shut off I hear squelches and harder objects clatter to the ground.

I didn't want to know what that feeling was or what those noises were. So I do the sane thing and book it outside.

Upon entering outside I see no lights on anywhere and police cars all around the parking lot the military and swat team are parked behind the police.

My first thought is oh fuck. But then I think maybe that this must me some terrorist attack.

But then I look down and see I'm covered in blood and other gory things.

Seeing this. My panic induced brain does the worse thing possible and decides it's time for an update and things go black as I pass the fuck out.


I awake to bright blinding lights and the feeling of needles in my skin through an IV.

Upon instinct I take IV out cause they gross me the hell out.

Alarms go off as I do this and I grab the nearest thing to me as a weapon which happens to me drip bag stand.

A male nurse and an armed guard come in. And I see pity and concern on their faces as they take sight of me.

"Jaylin I know telling you to calm down won't help. It won't help me, But just lower the drip stand. And we can tell you what's going on. You aren't in trouble. We just want to know what you know." The armed guard says.

"You want to know what I know?! The last thing I remember is having a panic attack and a weird surge of energy around me as freak blackout happened and I ran outside and saw I was covered in bloody gore. So am I in the right to find myself loosing it right now?"

"For all I know I have some insane super power from the virus. And am now going to be tested on for the rest of my life. Don't look shocked I know, I'm not stupid. You guys have had a tale on me for weeks. Two guys in casual attire. But to be honest with you guys. They were too casual and they wore the same outfit every day. If you guys wanted me you'd do a full background check and find I'm not taking my meds for anxiety which in turn causes paranoia, you can't sneak around someone with paranoia dumb asses."

"Yes Jaylin we have been watching you. And yes you have a mutation from the chaos-698 virus. But the strain you were infected with was a mutated version. Russia has agents trying to find a best suitable host for the mutated virus and we were hot on their tails. You happened to go get coffee on a day we were to arrest them and they dumped the virus into your drink. They were hoping you'd die from it and the evidence would die with you. But you survived."

"I'll be honest with you guys. Only symptom I had was a sore throat but I got tested cause my job required it."

Jaylin this virus has now been introduced to the population as of 6 days ago with a high mortality rate and you survived without an issue And so now the Russians are after you.

"Well that's just great. I mean I seem to be a living EMP now so I'm guessing you are to say I have to stay with you at all times now and that my safety is mankind's most top priority." I snort with pure venom.

"Jaylin you don't see it yet. But you are using your mutation to feel our thoughts. The very same way a lie detector detects lies. But yes, I have been assigned to keep you protected 24/7 you can even go back to your job as all data has been wiped of the incident."

"Great so how long was I out then?"

"You were out 6 days Jaylin." The guard who not gonna lie is kinda hot. But being antisocial and now a freak of nature I have no need for love in this life. I won't let him know but 6 days???

"Greeaaat so what you're really telling me is that I'm fired? And rent was due yesterday and it's my last time getting it in late. So now, Knowing my land lady. My stuff is all being sold in some auction somewhere as we speak."

"Yes that's all true. But also as we speak. My rich friend has bought all your stuff and is delivering it to my home."

"And why the duck." Duck. Fuck. Dammm I swear my brain auto corrects while talking to other human beings. "Why the fuck would you have him do that?"

He just chuckles and says.

"Well. Like you figured, we did do a full background check on you upon following you around. We found you on a few dating sights so we know you take interest in muscular men" he says stretching his big arms above his head as of to prove a point. We also know you have been in poverty for a few years and figured a new start wouldn't hurt."

Now I'm about in tears. Because my family has money and knows what I go through but have never once helped me.

"Why me?" I say as my voice decides to quiver.

"The guard steps forward and holds his arms out as if he wants to hug me. But anxiety says no to that so I back away uttering an awkward I'm sorry."

He suddenly pulls his phone out of his pocket and checks it.

"Well we could get going. I've just been told your belongings have arrived at my place. You don't have to stay with me if it makes things awkward but I know as a human that having a roof over your head helps with stress."

"No. It's fine. I'm just overloaded with information right now."

"Alright good. Because I also had an EMP safe room built in a bunker in my back yard. We are going to have you master your ability."

My first thoughts were normal for any sane woman who hears a hot guy say this.

Oh god. I'm told I'm to live with this hot guy. Then he tells me he knows I like men like him. Then he tells me I'm going to train with him. A white Bitch against a buff built white male who's muscles on his toes could throw me ten feet. Ugh what could go wrong in a world where a insanity is the symptom of sanity.