Dying with regrets but I got rewarded. 1

My name is Andrew Jones I'm a 24 year old hardworking man , half Hispanic, half black , and I live in Florida.

I moved out of my parents house when I turned 21 and I started working Dockhand for 3 years until I become the Assistant Dock Master.

I was Originally from New Orleans but I wanted to be in Florida but little did i know that I would never see my parents again.

On the day that my father called me a bastard and I packed my things than left my home most people would call me a coward.

My father who was from Mexico was a caring father but we became distant after my younger sister died from cancer .

I stopped caring about going to church and didn't pray anymore.

I didn't care if he was real or not because if he was why would he allow kids to suffer and allow criminals to live however they wanted .

When I turned 24 years old , I celebrated my birthday with my best friend Patrick, who took me and a couple of friends to celebrate , but things got out of control when a storm made it difficult for us to go back .

On our way back we hit a rock since it was dark over 5 people fell off while my best friend ,and I were looking for a life jacket .

He got one but I couldn't find any at all when I joked around and told him the captain has to sink with his ship he laughed and jumped off.

James hurry up and jump before it's to late . ◇ Patrick

I attempted to jump off but out of nowhere I got a cramp I jumped anyway but I splash in the water really hard and my head hit a sharp rock and I died.

[ Realm between the living and death ]

When i woke up , I noticed an old man with reading an ancient looking book on a couch with a cat sitting on his lap.

* RAhhhhh !!!....I screamed . *

" Where the fuck am I ?....this isn't he'll is it ? "

Calm down kid I don't have any time to waste . ◇ Unknown old man

" Who are you sir ? "

I'm an Omnipotent God that reincarnators call Rob. ◇ Rob

" Mister Rob where do we go from here ? "

Its simple you have four choices since you are a soul with a tragic life and lots of potential just like all life in this world .

You can decide to go to heaven and become a enjoy paradise.

Second you can go to Hell and become a powerful demon.

Third Choice you can decide to reincarnate again on earth and become the next Messiah.

Now for the last choice you can decide to reincarnate in a world of your choosing and four wishes will be included with it.

Andrew you are a unique soul that's why you can become an angel or demon unlike regular reincarnators you always decided to reincarnate again and again .

This is the 3rd time now tell me what you will decide I have high hopes for you .

I tought about it for a long i didn't want to go to heaven since i didn't believe in a god that let's kids suffer and allows evil people to live like kings .

So going to heaven was a big no for me .

Becoming a demon is impossible and I didn't feel like reincarnating on earth anymore.

" Lord Rob I've made my choice ."

What is it tell me ? ◇ Rob

" I choose the fourth option. "

I see....Looks like you want to travel far away from earth to experience a new adventure .

"I do sir. From what you've told me I've been on this earth for 5 lifetimes and I'm done with it ."

I want to be reincarnate in the world where i can have the opportunity to grow more powerful.

That I can do now tell me about your four wishes.

" For my first wish I want have Atmokinesis Lord Rob. "

Wish granted little one your Atmokinesis will be control over rain , wind, and ice storms .

" For my second wish to have the ability the teleporting ability of Yennefer but for mine most allow me to travel to different dimensions , and worlds. "

Wish granted little one now make your third . ◇ Rob

Not to bad I thought in my mind and got ready for my third wish.

" For my third wish I want to have the ability to raise my power to higher ranks over time . "

You will have infinite potential but it will take a long period of time for period of time.

" Now for my last wish I want to have All Speak . "

Wish granted .

Andrew you did not let me down kid . Your one of the Rare one's , who fate will love , if you make the right choices . ◇ Rob

I'm sending you to a world that's filled with gods , Demons , Titans, Primordial, and Legendary monsters.

Andrew the start of your journey won't be pleasant but remember that you must do you best to survive.

Rob flicked his fingers after I was done reading the scroll than I vanished from the realm between the living and death.