

"I didn't...choose to love him..."

For kidnapping Rosie, Cameron ruined Andrea completely. In a blink of an eye, he ruined her reputation, with his connections, he found out that Andrea is an illegitimate child and immediately released the information with the alliance of her father's ex-wife. Making the Collins hate her as well as her own fans calling her a homewrecker. Not only that, but he also Blacklisted Andrea from the whole Entertainment industry. Although he didn't bankrupt The Lian's company, Evans reputation made people hate dealing with him.

As if that wasn't enough, Cameron was cruel to publicly and WILLINGLY announce his happy relationship with Rosie after the kidnapping incident in the same period where Andrea was drowning in her sorrow of losing her 6 years worth of hard work.

Andrea was making her way to Cameron's office, looking tired, dark circles, red eyes..from full make-up to only lipgloss..She wasn't looking like a mess but she wasn't looking the same way people in Cameron's company remembered her as. Ignoring everyone in the whole goddamn floor...and Without even knocking,she hastily opened the door. "Cameron! What's the meaning of-!?" Andrea swallowed back her words when she saw the intimate position Rosie and Cameron were in,Cameron was caging Rosie between his arms on the sofa in his office. Precisely the spot where Andrea always sat in. Both of them stopped whatever they were doing and looked at her in surprise, Rosie cleared her throat and pushed Cameron away shyly. "i..I'll be taking my leave, two talk!" Rosie said in embarrassment and left.

"You were never worthy to be my opponent." Rosie whispered in Andrea's ear while walking outside the door. Biting her lip and tightening her grip on her bag Andrea did nothing to Rosie and stared at the ground. "What the fuck are you doing here!?" Cameron's voice came into Andrea's ears,Andrea immediately shot her head up. "I..i-" Andrea stuttered as she was finding the right words to say. "YOU WHAT!? DIDN'T I ALREADY TELL YOU TO NOT APPEAR INFRONT OF ME!?" Cameron shouted in anger, He really was done with Andrea. "They told me I got blacklisted by y-"

"I did. So what?" Cameron asked as if it didn't matter, he talked as if all he did was eat the last cupcake in the fridge. "Aren't you too much..?!" Andrea managed to talk back like a miracle. "Too much..? Pft,hah... you think I'm too much?" Cameron's sarcastic laughter made Andrea take a step back in fear. "Andrea, you kidnapped my woman." He said coldly, his gaze burning through her skin. "I told you to stay away from her too many times, you knew she was important to me yet you did that... you should be thankful that I didn't kill you with my bare hands. and you still say I'm too much?"

"BUT YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT MY CAREER IS TO ME! You didn't only blacklist me YOU RUINED MY REPUTATION!" Andrea's loud scream rang into the whole company, Cameron laughed in mockery. "Wasn't that also what you tried to do with Rosie? Don't you know how important her job is to her too, Yet you tried to take her down? What shit are you on, Andrea?" He rose his brow. Sweat formed on Andrea's forehead, but before she was able to protest, Cameron's deadly voice stopped her. "Get out." He said, seeing that she was standing like a statue.. he repeated "Get. out." one more time "i..!" "I SAID, GET OUT! OR DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL THE SECURITY?! WHO ALLOWED YOU HERE TO BEGIN WITH." Cameron shouted as he point at the door, And Andrea's face paled in fear. She knew if she said anything else..the consequences would be severe. Without further Ado, Andrea turned her heels to leave.

"In this life, Andrea. you'll remain the villainess in my love story." Cameron poked her where it hurt her deep, knowing how in love she was with him..and him saying that was so painful to her. With that, Andrea paused for a second, lowered her head and left without looking back.

As the weather was rainy and very cloudy, so was Andrea. She was down, rejected, hated..she was depressed. She stood under a tree Infront of the company, thinking of what Cameron said to her at last. Why did things..take a wrong turn? Why was she born as an illegitimate child? What did she lack in the first place for him to not like her? "...Why did I fall in love with a man who was distanced to hate me..?" As those words fell from her lips,Rain started to pour. And what she heard aside from the harsh sound of rain falling to the ground was loud giggles of a couple running under a jacket making their way to their car. It was none other than Rosie and Cameron.

It was too painful.

She once too, imagined a happy life like that with Cameron..but the person beside him was not her. She was simply not worthy.

She wasn't worthy to be loved, she's a mistake. A snake, who couldn't let go of the man who despises her and kidnapped his loved one.

Andrea walked in the rain without an umbrella, She had no energy to say the least. A million thoughts kept ringing in her head. But all she did was walk silently keeping her head low, her confidence was lost. The woman who once walked with her chin held high was looking down. Rosie was right, She wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She isn't a pure noble lady.


After a walk that seemed to take forever, Andrea reached home safe and sound but completely soaked. Quietly opening the door...


A hand landed on her cheek making her face look to the other side, Andrea's bag fell from her shoulder to the ground. And she just stood like a motionless doll as she was greeted with her father's slap. No emotions nor reactions on her face. "How could you be so stupid? HOW COULD YOU BE SO DUMB!? you went as far as provoking that bitch Rosie and then went to Cameron's office!? Are you crazy!!!? well great job, genius! Not only you couldn't protect your reputation but took ours with yours to the mud too! You truly are a mistake... A DISGRACE!" Ann shouted loudly, Evan standing beside her..face red with anger. "....-lone.." Andrea said softly, "Now what the heck are you sayi-"

"I said, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Andrea went past her parents, standing Infront of them, she broke down and began to scream. "CAN'T YOU FUCKING SEE THAT THIS IS THE TRUTH!? WHAT ARE YOU MAD ABOUT, OUR REAL FUCKING IDENTITIES BEING KNOWN TO THE PUBLIC!?! WHY,MOTHER. ISN'T SEDUCING YOUR BOSS OKAY??" Ann and Evan were shocked, what the hell was their little girl saying?! "Can you even listen to yourself,Andrea?! we're your pa-"

"Shut up,shut up,SHUT UP! WHAT PARENTS?? ARE YOU EVEN QUALIFIED TO CALL YOURSELF A MOTHER??!" Andrea,after keeping her words to herself for so long finally let them all out. She was truly fed up, She was wounded. That sarcastic side of her is something she always kept away from people to avoid drama but her last string of tolerance snapped. "ARE YOU QUALIFIED TO CALL YOURSELF A FATHER!? PLEASE, DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH. INSTEAD OF SLAPPING ME, SHOULDN'T YOU BE PROUD? SHOULDN'T YOU SAY 'Oh,look! She's shameless! that's my true daughter!' HUH?" Andrea said sarcastically, and she didn't just stop there, she continued; never tearing her gaze away from them. She was hating them to the core.

Ann flinched at her loud screams. 'Did she just call me shameless!?' Ann thought. She gritted her teeth in anger, Evan who was standing beside Ann just listened in confusion. Still angry, He looked at Andrea with disappointment in his eyes. 'I'll make sure to teach her a lesson!'

What stopped them from coming near their daughter was Andrea's voice once again..this time she spoke with anger.

"THE DISGRACE YOU'RE TALKING OF, IS THE BABY YOU GOT PREGNANT WITH TO TIE EVAN DOWN!! TA-DA,GUESS WHAT! I'M YOUR DAUGHTER!" Andrea added more salt to the wound, bringing back every mistake they once did in their lives. As the drama was only starting,the servants gathered around and watched from the 2nd floor. Gossiping.

But that didn't stop the shameless woman from speaking. "How could you be so disrespectful??? Seems like your Nanny didn't do a good job at raising you,You have no brains!" Ann fought back. "Stupid enough to provoke Cameron!"

That's it.

Andrea was done.

"WHO ARE YOU BLAMING!? YOU'RE BLAMING ME FOR WHAT?? WAS IT ME WHO TOLD HIM TO CHEAT ON HIS EX-WIFE? WAS IT ME WHO DID 'IT' IN THE DARK? WAS IT ME WHO TOLD YOU TO BE A MISTRESS?" Andrea asked Ann with a face full of hatred, the people who were supposed to be the most supportive to her turned out to be the people who'd blame her for everything she never did.

Evan who wanted to talk took his words back, Ann's face changed colors. Andrea seemed like a demon had possessed her. She wasn't herself. She was tired, She spoke too much, She complained. She talked back to them instead of shutting her mouth!

"In your eyes, Ann.. I was only an excuse to marry Evan. in your eyes, could use me and throw me into any stupid marriage with any man for the benefits of your company." She said mockingly, then began to laugh like a maniac as she held her face and hot tears started to run down her face.

As if she saw right through them, Ann and Evans Averted their gaze from Andrea, Ann looked to the ground with guilt and Evans looked to the side and rubbed the back of his neck. Making the servants who were watching the scene sympathize with Andrea.

"I can't believe this...oh my god, no wonder our Nice lady turned into a horrible person after coming back with only a year.." A maid said, another maid immediately nodded. Not only those two maids, the whole team of servants was watching. as people were talking, The nanny's gaze was fixed on the broken Andrea the whole time. 'This sweet child..'

"Rosie used me to get her fame, showing me as a monster to the public. An obsessive maniac! Your ex-wife used me to ruin Your reputation along with THIS WHOLE GODDAMN FAMILY!" She voiced out every single thing she felt, which seemed endless. She has been keeping it in herself for too long like a chamber of secrets.

Evan and Ann looked at her wide-eyed. Andrea really broke down. The lady who always shut up and just listened was now screaming and throwing facts into their faces, which was an invisible slap to them.

As if that wasn't enough, Andrea laughed dramatically once more looking like complete mess, she finally hugged herself and smiled Cynically as she spoke "The only man I loved my whole life, The only person I thought I could open my heart to..broke me. I thought, I could feel warmth with him..He treated me well, he took care of me but.." Andrea finally calmed down, her dry lips pulled into a thin line for a second, then she spoke softly. "Out of nowhere, He hated me..Out of nowhere, The person who was most gentle to me looked at me with contempt in his eyes. All I did was love someone...And what I got back was my reputation and the path that I worked so hard to build for myself for 6 damned years burned to ashes by the same man I once thought I'd spend the rest of my life with." The tears she froze in her heart for so many years seemed to melt because she cried a river,she didn't look like she would stop anytime soon.

"The two who are most likely to be supportive to me didn't even spare me a glance ever since I was a kid, All I got was a couple flirting on the dining table. All I got ever since I was a kid was your sweet fucking moans in the middle of the night." Andrea was being merciless. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Young madam is right..i often heard them back then too..." A maid whispered, making other maids share their stories of Andrea as a kid. "I remember young madam asking me about her parents while they were doing it as a 5yo....I told her they were busy but..." The maid who was speaking,paused..she looked away then said in pain "It pained me when she looked at their door and said: 'Is daddy punishing mommy again?' " the maid finally continued.

"Tell me, Where the fuck were you in my first day of school? Where the fuck were you in my highschool graduation? Where in hell were you when I went to another whole country alone with servants? Where were you in my graduation ceremony!? Did you even care about my interests!?! Money,Money, MONEY!" Andrea was having mixed emotions for too long and she finally was taking it out on them. "All you do is care about money, I was disgusted. AND I STILL AM DISGUSTED! Were you there for me when I was fighting for Cameron?! Oh wait,wait wait.. I'm in the wrong here." Andrea paused for a second then smirked "Pft, right. You told me that no matter what I should cling to him like a child to his lovely teddy bear, you were proud of me whenever I told you I was with Cameron even after he called off the engagement. How ungrateful could I be?"

Andrea's powerful voice and words mixed with irony,sarcasm along with the anger she concealed in her heart for too long made everyone scared of her. The whole house turned into absolute silence after she said her last words, Evans and Ann were standing there like unmoving chairs, Looking fearful but mostly guilty. Ann was finding the right words to say but Andrea, once more,talked.

Andrea pointed At Ann like she was a criminal..then spoke loudly yet calmly, her hateful expression glued to her face. "I do not want to hear you. SPECIFICALLY."

"Why...w-why are you pointing at me like that!? It's not like I killed someone!" Ann was feeling wronged being looked down on like that. But not by her husband's ex-wife,but her own daughter! "You didn't kill someone..? are you sure?" Andrea eyed Ann from head to toe like a judge, making Ann herself doubt if she really did kill someone.

"Andrea, What are you saying!? How could your mother kill!? she's not some criminal! Be respectful!" Evan who has been silent for too long finally talked, Making Andrea chuckle. Not out of happiness but irony.

'After all I said and he still have the audacity to say this?'

'Could this family get any more pathetic?'

Andrea thought.

"Firstly, she's not qualified to be my mother, neither are you. Secondly, Yes. She did kill someone."

Too many questions were going inside Ann's head and Evan took a long deep look at his wife. "She killed me, she killed my innocence, She killed my youth." Andrea's reply sent everyone gasping. Ann looked at her daughter in terror. "You made me believe that everyone is lower than me, You made sure I never got close to the people outside. You made sure I have no one to keep your clutches on me...You killed my innocence with the voices I heard every night as a kid, teenager and an adult. All my life, you were nothing but a fucked up excuse for a mother...And my words are not only Directed to her, Evan." With that, Finally Andrea stopped talking after the emotional rollercoaster she made everyone in the mansion ride.


The entrance of the mansion was slammed closed after Andrea ignored everyone Infront of her and just grabbed her bag to leave.

But where to..?