The argument ĪĪ

Gabriella was sitting on the sofa when Jacob walked in from the kitchen and offered her a glass of orange juice.

She took the Orange juice but she just put it down on the coffee table and then she asked him to sit with her as she told him she didn't have much time and that she just wanted to tell him what they came for because she needed to meet up with her friends and then head home.

'Jake please sit" She asked calmly gesturing to a seat before her by the right

"Ok sure" He agreed and sat

"Thank you. I'm just going to tell you what brought me here so I can head home. She told him straight up

"Ok go on?" He permits her

"I know this might sound like a bummer or like I'm crazy or something but it's the truth and I really want you to take it as lightly as you can 'cause it's actually as overwhelming for me too." She states before hand

"This is actually A moment of Truth because you finally get to prove the love you've always said you had for me" She goes on, while Jacob hit tensed up

" Gaby hunny, why are you talking like this? you know I love you so why all this drama?He asked alarmed

"Jay calm down, it's not drama I told you I have been sick for a while right? I don't know if you remember because baby I do? She tried to calm him down as she had started

"I do" He just said, and they sounded lifeless

" Well I actually went for a test myself without my parents consent and I just have to say this Jake...or here, these are the results. See it for yourself" She went on to say further. She wanted to tell him, but plainly, but couldn't and it was like a cat bit her tongue so she just got the test results from my bag and presented them before Jacob who didn't seem to digest the news well afterwards

"Ok, fine but you have to quit creeping me out!" He said

"Jake please just say take a look at the results papers!"

"Fine fine, I'm doing that" Jake opens the envelope, brings out the result papers and his first notice is a caption and exclaims

"Hold on, hold on Gaby, this is a pregnancy test!"

"Yes Jake, just take a look at them!" Gabriella just replied without even a glance at his face and it seemed to mean nothing to her and it was an experience she hadn't been through before, but she acted so natural

"Why the hell do you need a pregnancy test? You said you were sick, you didn't tell me you were pregnant" Jake started to yell on the very top of his voice

"Oh Jake calm down. It happened all suddenly. I brought the results here to prove that I wasn't going crazy, I wasn't lying. I took those tests twice!" She still seemed so chill

"Oh my God Gaby! I think you're the one who needs to really be calm here. Okay tell me, you're pregnant. We haven't seen each other for three weeks and then you come out of blue and say you're pregnant. Have you by any chance been cheating on me" Jacob seems insecure and unstable at this point

For Christ's sake Jake, have a conscience. What kind of a question is that? The results say I am exactly Three weeks pregnant. Three weeks ago, I came over to your place and you know the rest is history but it came back to reflect in our present today. I should actually be the one reacting this way and not you" Gabriella got pissed and started yelling as well

" I kicked off the idea in the first place but you insisted and only God knows how you managed to persuade me and now I am in this situation that I do not know how to revert how to salvage myself from it"she reminded

"Gabriella I don't know what you are going to do with that thing there. There's no time for argument, you have to get rid of that thing" Jacob said this and seems definitely inhuman

"Oh my God Jacob! I can't believe you're saying this. It is not a thing, this is our child, fine it came out of wedlock but yet it is still a child and killing it will be the worst thing we could ever do. It'll be like using a wrong to try and right another wrong, which is utterly impossible"Gabriella is left in awe as she got to see a side of Jacob she'd never seen before

"I never imagined you bringing up such an idea and I am never ever going to abort this child. It is my child and we will have to take care of it. You have to take responsibility for your actions; it's our actions I'm ready to take responsibility for them but you also have to man up 'cause I can't handle this alone" She declared

"Oh for Christ sake Gabriella! I just got out of college a year ago. I barely have a stable job to feed two people, and now you expect me to use it to feed three mouths, c'mon. It just can't work! I don't know how I'm going to do it but it can't work well" Jacob states his reasons

" Jacob, we're going to make it work! you've always professed love to me, prove it!" Gabriella tells him authoritatively while pointing to him. She is furious now and they both argue on the top of their voices

" Gabriella, I love you and I'm not denying the fact but I do not love what is growing inside of you and if you're not ready to get rid of it I'm sorry but I have to deny the fact that it is mine even when I'm fully aware" He told her

"I'm sorry but I'll still have to send you out of my house at this point. I can just ruin my life and everything my parents have ever toiled for" Jacob told her selfishly