I frown when Vanessa locks the bathroom door.
What did I do wrong?
Okay, I guess I don't have to ask that question.
She's magnificent.
Her body's banging, and I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm intrigued. However, I must remind myself I've had her countless times. I heard her scream my name.
However, there's wickedness about her that has me thinking that the tables have changed. I entered this room, the hunter, loving to look at his prey while planning to devour her.
Now, with Vanessa in the bathroom, I feel like I'm the prey.
As I clear my throat, I approach the first pile of clothes. I look through them, not interested in what I see. They're casual wear.
Tonight we're going to an expensive restaurant.
I took my ex-wives to my favorite restaurant each time we came here. Now, I'm doing something different. I hate doing something different.
I find treasure in the second pile.