Chapter 20

"Let me finish with this yummy breakfast here, then I can go back to my rugged apartment,she said with a sad look on her face.

"Before leo could blink an eye she was done eating everything on the tray.

He looked at her in disgust while she licked her fingers.

She turned to his direction and noticed the look on his face...

Oo crap I totally forgot you were standing here, sorry for what I did,it kind of corny I know. But what could I have done,the meal was so heavenly

You haven't tried licking your fingers before?

Oo how will you, you are rich, well trained and blaa blaa blaa

But trust me the feeling of licking your fingers is one in a billion.

"So why do you have me here?

..just a sec

*Burp*..she belched

Ahhh Leon turned in disgust.

"Hey Mister you can't turn away just like that.

Is it my fault you gave me delicious and expensive food. You won't understand..

Why did you kidnap me?

Just shut up okay.... Shut up!!

Did you take in a bitter cord or what,you are so bitter.

"Whatever,he rolled his eyes.

"Can we talk as two civilised adults?

"Hmm, She shrugged..

I always impose on others but I don't know why something is telling me to negotiate with you.

"I want us to get Married"he said blankly with an expressionless face.

"Excuse me what"

"Don't draw into conclusions,it a fake marriage and in exchange I give you $30 billion.

Her eyes widened...

Thir-thirt-thirty what?

"Billion,he said rolling his eyes.

"No I don't accept, do you think I'm in desperate need of money,I mean why would I like to be in a marriage with someone like you.

But why...or maybe you want more, just say it and I will double it...

Excuse me Mr. I don't even want a penny from you. Why in the world would I agree to live with you

"And who says I also want to live with you...the circumstances are such that I'm helpless.

"This is only gonna last for three months,it fake as well.

"What circumstances?

"That is none of your business.

Oo fine then, I'm sorry you chose the wrong girl...go look for another person. If I'm not allowed to know the reason behind all this, then there is no point in listening to your nonsense.