Chapter 28

Jeff's eyes widened in surprise. You-you are what?

"I think you heard me clearly".

"To whom and WHY!!!!

Come on Bro you are only 23".

"And she is 21...leo said blankly.


"Just chill it's a fake marriage."

Wait, What? Now this thing is getting interesting.

"I had to. Dad thinks it's a real marriage but Bro everything is fake. It's a deal between both of us.

"So the whole issue is that you will be introducing her to the whole family. Now definitely a drama is going to happen. This is going to be fun.

"Just shut up and let's get going".


Have you guys arrived?

"Yes Sir"

"Let her in, wait in the car for my signal. Leon hunged up and let out a sigh.

The Hart's and the Wilson's were majestically sitted around the wide table in the Hart's Mansion.

The table was full of exotic dishes and desserts that cost almost half a million. They knew how to outdone their selves.

Lisa's smile was heavenly. This was her long time dream and seeing it coming true made her heart flutter. She loved to have and host huge family dinners.

"Ahem.... Leo cleared his throat

"Go on we are listening,Jeff blurted out joking.

Leon shot daggers at him which drained the smile on Jeff's face.

"So the reason behind this beautiful family dinner is that... I mean, because I have something important to tell all of you.

The thing is...I'm I'm

"You're what? Lisa asked.

"I'm Married,he said blankly.

Excuse me what? please repeat what you just said...Lisa asked.

"You don't say...Kira and Alice blurted out together with a wide grin on their faces.

"And why wasn't I invited...Mrs Wilson chipped in.

You may enter"....Leo shouted.

Alicia's (P.O.V)

Oo mann, how am I supposed to face his family?

Calm down Alicia.

"How do you expect me to Daisy?

"Madam you may enter,this way please...


"Yes Now!!

Hey chill no need to yell like that. Alicia rolled her eyes and walked into the mansion with Daisy tailing behind her.

"She was in awee.... Her expression was like a little girl who arrived in Disney Land. She could have never imagined in her life that she would ever step foot in such an expensive and beautiful Mansion.

Daisy....she called out whispering.

"So is this where I'm going to stay from now onwards?

"Of course girl"

"I can't believe this, it like a dream come true. I'm like a princess aren't I?

"Of course you are girl".



Huh" I turned to see leo standing right in front of me. Oo Lord he looks soo handsome. How can one man be this beautiful and hot.

"Beautiful, that is the actual name for this fine specimen. It's a shame he has a bad attitude...I thought.