Chapter 34

Leo's (P.O.V)

I gently handed the keys over to Daisy. She is very kind with her shy personality totally different from my savage wife. I was taken by surprise when she hugged me.

I don't actually know but that short moment was actually special to me. For the first time I felt butterflies in my belly.

My heart literally melted when she pegged me on the cheek which took me by surprise. I mean I never expected that coming. What shocked me to the core was when she said.."I love you".. For the first time in my life I felt true joy in my heart,it felt soo right to hear those words from her.

I still can't understand,this is weird and strange. What kind of feeling is this?


Leon was lost in his thoughts standing behind his large mirror. He didn't even notice when his mom walked in.

Lisa stood behind leo and watched him carefully.

"For the first time in your life you smiled to another woman. Even now you are smiling at your thoughts without realizing it.

Leo turned swiftly and starled as well.

"Mom if you are here to complain, I sincerely don't need one one of your long lectures. I'm tired he said pressing his forehead.

"You better listen to me. It's either that girl leaves or I do.

Leo's eyes widened.

"Are you seriously telling me this? Nobody is going anywhere, that's my final decision.


They both turned to the direction of the voice.

Alicia walked into the room dragging her suitcase.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation with Mother.....

Alicia failed to complete her statement when Lisa stormed out angrily.

"Wooo. What a bad temper with got here. It will surely be the cause of her death.

Leo's hard glare made her shut up.


"I'm a bit curious,why is every single item in this room black? I mean how can you sleep comfortably in such dark. This place radiates bad energy. Are you the devil? Now I get it why you always have a frown on your face. I mean how can a normal person live in black.


Leon could see the fear in her eyes after yelling at her. He suddenly felt bad.

She looked stiff,it was as if cold water was poured on her.

"Listen to me..I..I

Alicia run into the walk in closet in his room. She sat on the floor and hugged her knees, while she placed her face in between her legs. leo rushed in looking for her.

Leo's (P.O.V)

I rushed into the closet looking for her and there she was sitting on the floor hugging her legs.

Wait a minute is she crying? I walked up to her and crouched to her level.


Alicia. Leo called out carefully.

She raised her head and jerked back. She quickly wiped her tears. Are you crying? He asked surprised.

"No I'm not, something just entered my eye.

"Liar. You are soo bad at lying you know.

"What is your problem? I told you I'm fine,so please let me be.

"I can't let you be,you are my wife remember?

"Fake wife,she said rolling her eyes. I don't like your room's theme. I like a colourful place.

"I'm sorry but you are not the one to decide.

"But I thought I was the wife right? She smiled and tried walking out but she was pulled back by him.

"What did they do to you at the orphanage?

At his words her body started trembling.