The New Comer

Liliana rolled her eyes at Michael and gave her full attention to the new comer. she can testify that he was now the hottest boy on campus. It's such a pity that Josh will no longer be the hottest guy.

"I won't deny that Alice is the hottest and most fashionable in school, that means....

"No way, there's no way I'm going to allow this. He is mine,I will never allow this pairing to happen. liliana mumbled to herself. Japheth made his way to his seat. He smiled at liliana waving at her.


"Hi, I'm liliana"

"Hi liliana nice meeting you"

"Nice meeting you too"

"Enough with the introduction, class is still in session,you can do that when it's recess time...Miss Maison blurted.

"Bell Rings*

"Okay kids, that will be all for today"

"Bye Miss Maison".

"Japheth I hope you won't mind if we hung out... liliana asked.

"Sure liliana"

"Yeah, bye see you later I have to head to the music room. "Yh sure"

"My Man"

Japheth turned to the direction of the voice. He turned to see a tall mascular boy probably his age mate. His blonde hair complimented his blue eyes.

Japheth stood up from his seat. "Yeah,and you are. I'm Josh Cruz the hottest guy on campus.

"Haha I can see that. Nice meeting you man.

He brought out his hand for a handshake and Josh gladly took it.

"Aww(The whole class)

"Japheth stared at them fascinated. That was soo weird though,he muttered to Josh's hearing. All that while Alice and Kira had earphones in their ears enjoying their music. Kira admired Japheth,but she wasn't the type who will go crazy about a guy's good looks cause afterall she has a brother and an uncle who is more handsome than any other man in this world so she really didn't care but that wasn't the case for Alice.

For the first time in her life she has had a crush on someone. She wore the earphones to distract herself because she realized she was staring at him too much.

"Man, let's move to the cafeteria. Please lead the way. "Of course my man...Josh smiled. Josh lead the way as they walked in between the path between the arranged desks but unfortunately for Japheth he mistakenly stepped on Al's feet.


"What the heck" I've had enough of you..she yelled. She angrily threw her phone across the room creating a loud bang. She rubbed the back of her neck immediately she fell her eyes on her crush.

"Uh I'm sorry, I think I overreacted."

"Stop, he raised his hand. There's no need to explain,you destroyed an iphone 14 just because I stepped on your foot.

"Did you say Just? You owe me an apology you know. What the..

"Hmm I can already see you're one of those rude rich girls. Nice meeting you though.

He smirked at her and walked passed her.


I swear, I didn't see him Kira. I thought it was liliana cause she always does that on purpose. I had enough today that's how come I reacted.

"You really surprised me though,for the first time you stood up for yourself. It's such a pity that I missed that whole drama and I don't seem to understand why?

"How will you? You were soo lost on your phone. pfft

"Uncle Chris"

"Yes ma'am,the chauffeur driving them home responded. "Can you please drop by at any

mall nearby, I need to buy a new phone.

"Urhmm according to the G.P.S the mall nearby is Maxgel but that's thirty minutes drive away from home. "Don't worry just drive there I will explain everything to Mom once we get home.

"Okay if you say so"

"Alice do you have a credit card on you?

"Yh I think so"

"Ma'am we are here. The two girls hoped out of the Jeep holding their hands. "Oo no I left it in my locker.

"Really Al"...Kira rolled her eyes.

"We need to go back then". Aww I really wanted to buy a phone. "You could buy it online you know...Kira blurted irritated.

"You really want to?

"Both girls turned to the direction of the deep cold voice. "Aww Al he's so handsome"

"Mark chuckled"

"Hi, don't get scared I'm not a bad person".

"Don't worry Uncle you don't look like a bad person and even if you are we have bodyguards around.

"Haha you're soo different from leon.

"Ma'am Alice are you okay, two guards came running towards them. They immediately bowed when they laid their eyes on Mark.

"Sorry Sir, we thought...

"No need you're just doing your job.

"Alice and Kira's eyes widened. Wait a minute did you just say Leon and how come you know my guards.

"Yh, I just mentioned your brother's name Leonard Dark Hart. And about the guards let's just say your brother works with me lot so it's like we know each other's guards.

"Who are you?"

"Listen dear, I will give you a credit card go in there and buy that phone you want. And if you still insist on knowing who I am then let's just say I'm your brother's close friend.

"Have it"

He handed her a black credit card which she hesitated taking.

"But um

"I'm Mark...just mention my name to your brother. "I want your surname as well.

"I wish I could mention it to you but I can't because of your dearest friend here.

"Mee...Kira blurted pointing at herself. "Yes you baby girl. I would have mentioned my name but I'm tied because of you.

"Pfft, Wierd...she rolled her eyes.

You definitely have my blood running through your veins...he muttered.

"I beg your pardon"

"Don't worry girls you will understand when the time is due,bye and have fun. The sky is the limit. He smiled and walked to his car. He turned and waved at them before entering the car.

"Wow just look at those convoys, is he a celebrity?...Kira blurted

Why are you acting as if your brother don't move around with this much guards tailing behind him.

"Oo stop that Al, that man's own is different.

I don't know but I have a feeling that I'm related to him.

"Hmm you're right"

Whatever, now let's get in and shop till we drop. "So what are you waiting for, let's get in.