The EX

"Wow Alice you were savage today... What happened?

"Will you quit exaggerating. Alice shook her head picking her bottle and drinking from it.

Josh and Japheth walked towards them. "Hi ladies". Kira turned swiftly when she recognized the voice.

"Josh, she opened her arms and he embraced her. "You did very well I could hear you cheer loud for me.

"Kira blushes, Alice raised a brow at Kira. "You can continue, I will go get changed cause I have to attend the student council meeting.

"Alice can't you just wait for me?

Maybe you're forgetting that I'm the vice president of the council. "Okay fine"

Alice took her sport bag and hanged it around her shoulder. As she walked away, she suddenly stood in her tracks and turned towards them.

"Sorry that was soo rude of me. "Hi Josh she strolled towards him and they exchanged greetings. "Hi Japheth, and I'm sorry about yesterday. "No need, you were right I owe you an apology. I'm sorry. "It's okay...I smiled lightly.

"So see you guys, I gotta go.

I stood there watching her retreating back till she was out of sight. Josh and Kira were being Lovey-dovey to each other so I thought of excusing myself. I turned to my left and there on the bench laid a pink towel. I didn't know why but I really felt the need to take it.

I picked it from the bench, I opened it cause it was neatly folded and Alice's name was inscripted on it. The towel was nowhere close to my nose but damn it smells soo good. "Guys I will get going"

"Okay you take care"


My gosh Nicole where have you been? Stacy squeaked.

"Aunty you know how I can be atimes. I've been on one of my craziest adventures.

"I recently got an endorsement and I'm working it out with Aurora Brooks.

"Really, lucky you. Aurora is one beautiful sweet girl. "I didn't know you knew her this much Aunt. "Of course I do, Charles and Rose hid her from the pressure of high society. I got an invitation to attend a party in her honour but I doubt I can make it.

"I will send my apologies by visiting her clinic.

"Yh you should"

"Aunty you called for me claiming it was an emergency, you really scared the hell out of me. What happened?

"It's Jeffery"

"Nicole's facial expression changed into a stoic one. "Aunty you know Jeffery and I are over. I don't want to know anything related to him. "No my dear, don't say that. You see he wasn't in his right senses when he broke up with you.

"I really need your help Nicole, Jeff introduced a middle class girl as his girlfriend. "What???

"I don't even know what to do my dear...

Flashback ( Wilson Mansion)

Kira come down for breakfast my dear.

"Coming right down mom...she yelled.

"Willow please get the door. "Of course Ma'am. The butler bowed to her respectfully. He walked to the door and welcomed the person with respect.

"Who is there? Stacy asked. "It's young master ma'am. "Jeffery that's wierd, well...she shrugged. Maybe he wants to have breakfast with us. Stacy walked out of the dining hall to meet her son.

With a big smile,she called out for him but she quickly dropped the smile when she laid her eyes on Daisy. "Both of them intertwined their hands. To her, that only proved one thing. They were in a relationship. "How dare you bring this filthy piece of trash to my house...Stacy intoned angrily.

Mom!!! Jeff yelled.

What is going on here? kira walked in all dressed in her uniform. "Not now Kira,have your breakfast and leave for school.

"No mom it's high time you show me some respect. I'm no more a toddler,you can't be ordering me around.

"Kira I said keep quiet and stay out of this.

Mom take it easy on Kira and as for Daisy you owe her an apology. "Wow how I wish your father was alive to witness this day.

"You better get that thing out of my house.

Mom!!! mind your language. she's my girlfriend and I demand you to show her respect.

A gasp escaped Kira's lips.

"Jeffery shot her a deadly look. "I'm sorry, please don't get me wrong it's just that I'm a bit surprised. Jeffery rolled his eyes and gave his full attention to his mom.

"You'd better start liking her cause she's the only one for me and I'm going to be with her with or without your permission.

A maid walked in with cold drinks,she was heading towards the dining table but Stacy stopped her within her tracks. She swiftly picked a glass from the tray and poured the cold juice on Daisy making her jump out of her fright.

"A gasp escaped her lips. She gently took a tissue from her purse and wiped her face.


Suddenly, the tears Daisy tried to hide broke down. Jeffery felt soo bad. It was a bad idea bringing her here. "It was my mistake bringing her here, thinking we all will have breakfast as a family.

"Yh it was and over my dead body that I will sit and dine with this golddigger.

I'm sorry Ma'am, I will leave your son alone.

You'd better she puffed at her and walked out on them. Jeffrey tried holding Daisy but she took a step back rejecting his stretched out hand.

"Daisy"...he called out carefully. She glared at him with her teary eye and walked out.

Kira let's go...

"Kira... Jeffery turned and to his surprise there was no Kira. He let out a frustrated sigh and walked out.

"I can't believe Jeffery really did this. He went in for a middle class nobody? Oo my Gosh I think I'm gonna throw up. "So what's the plan?

I need your help Nicole,we need to break them apart.

Of course Aunty, I will gladly help. I'm very sure she stays with him and I still know my way to his mansion, leave everything to me.

Aww thank you so much Nicole, I knew you were the best person to help me with this.

Dad says hi anyways. "Send my regards to him as well, it's been so long since I saw him.