Chapter 2: The Blackthorne Clan

His brothers' Dragons ranged in size and color. Red, Green, and White. Each one deadly, magnificent, and gifted with unique talents. They'd been forced to use those talents for the tyrannical Chief of Castle Blackthorne during their confinement. It was the most loathsome experience of their lives. But no more.

Callius was free at last. He loosed a stream of brilliant flame from his mouth, simultaneously sounding a triumphant roar. He was a FireDragon, but this was the first time in centuries that he used his gift without orders.

His ability to create and breathe fire was a rare and coveted talent. Even among Dragons. His brothers' gifts differed greatly from his, but each had a specialty. For the first time in ages, they would own their own talents. It was a heady feeling.

They flew off the Isle of Pain, where Castle Blackthorne stood, together, into the unknown modern world. Like four shooting stars.

The Blackthorne Clan lived in the northern-most region of the Arctic Ocean on a tiny island that, from Callius' present vantage point, looked like nothing more than a black rock against the white and blue background of the frozen sea.

He felt no remorse in leaving the place of his birth. On the contrary, he was exhilarated. One word rang in his ears and one word only. Freedom.

As the eldest living Falk, he was now responsible for his siblings. It was no great burden but could prove somewhat problematic. Especially since he could sense their restlessness.

He knew what he needed to do, what must be done. To put it mildly, a Dragon without a permanent home was a very, very unhappy creature. At that moment, the Falk brothers were without home, without Chief, and without Clan.

They flew for several hundred miles before he opened his mind to the easy telepathic communication he shared with his brothers while they were in their Dragon forms. It was time they talked.

Callius was a warrior first and, like all good soldiers, he knew they needed a strategy to succeed. He recalled the sneering comments of their former master, Chief Blackthorne and growled deep in his chest.

"You will crawl back to me, Brothers Falk. The outside world is a cruel and hollow place. I will find you in my service once more. Of that, I am certain."

Not if I have anything to say about it. He remained silent at the time, but his mind had roared his response. Dragomir Blackthorne was a cruel leader. Greed, lust, violence, and fear were the tools he used to keep his Clan in line.

Callius despised him. He would chew off his own claw before he allowed himself or any of his brothers to go back there. No. We will succeed. It was time they make a plan.

Brothers, we need to talk. The world is changed, but our needs remain the same. A castle, a Clan, and a companion each. These are our needs.

Aye, but where will we go to find them, Cal? The next eldest and Callius' longtime war companion, Edric, spoke first.

His scales were a brilliant red on his back and lightened to orangey-gold on his chest. They were as bright as his flame colored hair when he walked as man. He had three horns spiraling out from the crown of his serpentine head.

On two feet, he wielded a knife better than anyone Callius had ever seen. On four feet, he did something few had ever managed. He manipulated the weather. Callius had seen him create lightning storms with just the beat of his wings.

They'd been through much together. Waging war for a tyrant for five-hundred years had taken its toll on them both. Callius was certain Edric was as sick of death as he was. Perhaps more so since their last battle. But it was over now.

Of all his brothers, he was closest to Edric. If anyone understood what Callius wanted, it would be him. Through their telepathic connection he could not only hear their voices, but he could also feel their feelings.

I do not know where my wings shall take me, but this I do know, we four brothers are now the Falk Clan. Together we shall be equals. I will find us a castle. One where we can come and go and share the fruits of our labor. What say you? Callius felt the approval in their hearts as he spoke in their minds.

Aye, a castle is a thing we all need. But what of a companion, Callius? Shall you find a mate as well? One who is worthy of the diamond rose?

Yes, Edric, I will find both my mate and castle. We shall have a home. All of us. I shall present a worthy female with the diamond rose and she will be mine.

You do that, brother, find a mate and a castle, but I will go explore. Do not expect me home so quickly. Alexsander, the youngest, was never one to shy away from his real feelings.

As a boy, he always yelled the loudest and fought the hardest. Callius suspected it was the only way he felt that he was heard. He looked at him now. A man. A Dragon. No longer a boy.

Alexsander's translucent-white scales made it almost impossible to find him as he spun and dipped in and out of the surrounding clouds. His youngest brother had felt the cage around them much more keenly than the rest. He saw his adolescence behind stone walls.

As do I. Like Alexsander, I wish to visit the places I have only glimpsed at in the last five hundred years. I've sent you the accounts and coordinates. You've only to use the cellular phone to look them up.

Nikolai's green Dragon was the closest in size to Callius'. His genius brother spent the past five-hundred years buried inside of books and computers. A tomb of information.

That was what he called his work room. He fattened the coffers of their jailer and managed to whittle out a slice for the brothers as well. Chief Dragomir allowed them their small personal ventures. What was a few million to a Dragon anyway? Now, Nikolai wanted to stretch his wings. Callius would not stand in his way.

And I too would like some time, brother. Edric's voice was solemn. Unexpected, true, but he deserved his liberty. They all did.

Callius' golden Dragon eyes landed on each of his brothers. He opened his long snout, row upon row of razor-sharp teeth glistened against the black of his scales, then he loosed a roar of blue and red flame against the whited-out sky.

He would miss them. They were his flesh, his blood, and his constant companions these five-hundred years. But he understood.

Agreed. Take care, my brothers. As eldest, this is my pledge to you, I will find us a castle and claim my mate! Then I will send for you.

Choose wisely, brother. The diamond rose is special.

Farewell and much luck to you on your quest!

Yes! May you be successful!

Somewhere over the vast Atlantic Ocean, the brothers parted ways. It was bittersweet as all partings were. Only the idea that, one day, they would live in a castle of their own kept Callius on a steady course. His purpose grew stronger with every passing moment.

An idea of Castle Falk began taking shape in his mind's eye. Not an old stone mausoleum like the one he came from. No, he wanted something new and modern. A haven where they could protect their own and come and go as they pleased. No master, all equals. Yes, it would be a fine thing indeed.

But first things first, he reminded himself.

Find a mate and claim her.