Chapter 18: Home Sweet Castle

"But how-" she started to ask questions, but then he was hovering over her. He traced a path along her neck and tugged the sheet off her body, exposing her to his eyes. Every thought left her mind.

"Callius," she moaned as he began to touch her.

He seemed to know what she wanted before she knew herself. Anticipating her every desire with each tender caress. Fred had never experienced this kind of love.

And it was love. Of that, she had no doubts. She trusted in her Wolf's instincts and she loved the Dragon as Fred loved the man. She was bound to him, not just by the diamond rose, but inside her heart. Her soul recognized something in his. As if they were two halves, only now becoming whole.

This time their lovemaking was slow and careful. His eyes bore into hers the entire time. He never broke contact. Fred's heart ached with the tenderness he showed her. He was amazing. Wonderful. And hers.