Chapter 30: Can I Keep You?

More than that, he wanted to make her happy, to see her pleasured until her limbs were useless, and her mind eased from worry. He wanted to keep her safe and protected, cherished and loved. Yes, loved. Fuck, when did that happen? When did Sander begin to think in those terms? It was more than this sad excuse for a Dragon had felt in a long time.

Shame washed over him again. He'd treated her too roughly. Had since the second he opened the door that morning, naked as the day he was born. He hadn't been able to control a single instance of their time together to his utter embarrassment. She'd turned him into a horny teenager again.

You are a fool, Sander. She is too good for the likes of you. Nothing more than a carnal beast at first glance. Driven by desire, he had taken her precious innocence.

Not that she'd complained or anything, but still. He had no right to her. That privilege was for the one meant to be her husband. Someone whole, pure, worthy of her.