Chapter 48: Key To His Heart

"The cold doesn't bother me, but what about you?" His concern was real. Joselyn was a Witch, but as far as he knew, she still felt cold.

He didn't like the idea of her discomfort and wanted to scold his brother for such a foolish notion. Sure, Dragons survived and even thrived in arctic conditions, after all, they made their own heat. But what of Sander's mate, she was a normal? And his Witch?

"Oh, I'll be fine, baby, I'll just hold on to you if I get cold," Joselyn's reply brought heat to certain parts of his body that now felt a little more than uncomfortable in the tight black pants he wore. Oops. Note to self, invest in baggy jeans.

"Of course, love, you hold onto me whenever you like," he grinned and kissed her neck.

They followed the wedding guests through the planned two-mile hike around the castle grounds. Edric made sure Joselyn brought a warm coat complete with accessories before they stepped outside.

"Thank you," she said as he helped her over a patch of ice.