Chapter 53: Tech Dragon

What the fuck is with all the emails and voicemails this morning? Nikolai fumed as he went down the huge list of contact information his inbox was streaming with.

True, they were potential clients, but really? Was all this necessary? I mean, give a guy a day to get back to you. Some of them were repeats. One particularly insistent firm, which after a little digging, he found was run by that bothersome Witch, Angie White, was located on the west coast. They called themselves Viridi Lux or Green Light Coven.

He rolled his eyes. He'd dealt with their kind before. Witches had access to a finite amount of power and often held the upper hand in dealing with Shifters. This particular Witch seemed upset at his turning her down.

Well, Dragons were not like typical Shifters. She'd find out soon enough if she persisted in antagonizing him. Virdi Lux was spreading rumors that his firewall was less than what it was described as. He'd fix that very quickly.