Chapter 56: Mine

He strode forward, determined to find its source. He picked his way through the throng of party-goers, flinching away in disgust when another bold woman with far too little clothing on rubbed her body against him, her invitation clear.

He growled and, with a single-minded determination he'd never shown before, Nikolai went flying across the room, uncaring of those he shoved out of the way. Es meus, his emerald Dragon roared in his mind's eye. Those words stopped him in his tracks like nothing else could. She was here. In that very room. His mate.

He inhaled and groaned aloud as the sweet, tempting scent hit him again, harder than before. He opened his eyes to see a curvy goddess dressed in a forest green gown standing before him, concern marring her fiery whiskey-colored eyes.

"Are you alright?" her voice was husky and soft.

It sent chills down his spine. And more. For the first time in nigh on a hundred years, Nikolai's cock filled to bursting.