Chapter 62: Roses Are Red

Her eyes kept going back to the roses. They were gorgeous! The deep, crimson petals looked superb against the lush, mossy looking green foliage. So beautiful!

She did not recognize the names of the accent stems and leaves, but she appreciated their beauty. She'd always been partial to green.

Melody sighed as she scrolled through the confirmation email Mrs. Grayson had sent her. Hmm. She had the correct date, but maybe Mrs. Grayson had it wrong?

She cleared her throat and moved to back out of the elegant dining room. Tingling sensations shot up her spine. She'd hoped to at least have dinner, but she'd stop somewhere on the drive back home. The drive would be at least two hours in Saturday night traffic. And it was snowing. Ugh.

"Hello, sweet," a deep, familiar voice reached her ears and she spun to find herself face to face with the man who'd rocked her world just a few hours ago.

"What? Who? How?"