Aftermath of the War

1st January 301 Paign Era.

The civil war ended a few months ago. In that span of time, many incidents happen in the kingdom. Mostly, a bad one which places Bagyarosia in its turbulent time.

To start with, the death of Richard took more than a week to reach the capital. Riz has put all his effort into covering up the news as long as he can. But nothing can stay secret forever.

In fact, the day when the news reached the capital, King Nicholas I personally organized a grand banquet. He invited all the nobles to attend it. The nobles gladly attend the banquet and celebrate it as if it were a national day. Apparently, the nobles still didn't know about their disastrous defeat at that time. It's not weird considering the happy-go-lucky attitude of the nobles during the banquet.

They were completely clueless and Nicholas I had done a great job keeping that way.