Appointing Minister

Riz returns to Coreton's mansion where William is waiting for him. He noticed the bloodstain on William's armour.

"What's the status inside there?"

With utmost respect, William replies, "We have slaughtered most of the young ones. The rest are just the older ones. However, they're at risk of losing their sanity. Perhaps watching their children being killed affects them so much."

Riz frowns hearing William's concerned voice, "There's no need for such concern or mercy for them, William. They have done a lot of atrocities in their life. I can list it all for you if you want. They merely receive the same treatment they've done to people below them."

William quickly apologizes, "I'm sorry for letting my emotion best me."

"What about their wealth?" ask Riz.

"It's already been gathered and ready to be transported to Bideford."