Palace of Hadria

28th September 301 Paign Era.

A lot of people are gathering in front of the mayor's residence. They're the king's envoy to Inver. After a week of staying in Baroks, it's finally time for them to resume their journey.

Except for Duan and a handful of people to assist him in training the soldiers. He had another week here to train the soldiers. Although the training course is a bit cramped, the soldiers in Baroks maintain their enthusiasm. Logically speaking, who doesn't want to try using the cannon.

Also, the crowds keep getting bigger everyday. Duan can bet there are spies from other nations as well. But, he doesn't care about it.

Let the SIN handle them.

"Make sure you didn't forget anything, Audrey." reminded Gerald.

"I don't. It's not like I bought a lot of clothes with me," said Audrey.

Gerald simply stares at her for a moment without spitting a word. He didn't know if three bags of luggage counted as a few or not. In the end, he chooses to keep his silence.