Tetherswest's Decision

Riz's letter arrives at Tetherswest in the span time of five days. As soon as Count Tetherswest gets wind of it, he ordered the letter to be brought over to his office immediately.

He impatiently opens the sealed letter from his future son-in-law full of expectation on his face.

The count then read the three-page long letter line by line. Riz took a great length to write a typical letter from a noble to build Count Tetherswest's expectations higher. It starts with a paragraph of pleasantries, asking for his and his wife's well-being, informing him about his daughter before moving to the main point.

As he proceeds, his face begins to scowl. The pleasantries and kind words gradually faded. The letter took a 180-degree turn. Without any regard for the reader's age or health status, the young king poured his soul into writing the letter full of rude words and mockery.

The count honestly didn't expect the always bored and absent-looking kid to get mad to this extent.