Change Target— Nedideters

Bombardment on Tetherswest City continues for several days. In that span of time, Braun witnessed the wall they painstakingly tried to destroy getting repaired overnight. Every morning, the wall stands tall and proud. 

When he first saw it, he stood awestruck and disbelieving. Though he doesn't specifically know what material they use, he bet it must be Ryntum's technology. After all, how could the dents be perfectly filled?

Regardless of his feeling, Braun ordered an increase in bombardment intensity. As the site dragged on, he started to feel irritated with their resilience. He had already requested tons of additional resources to compensate for his losses. Time is ticking and his reputation is at stake. The entire country is waiting for a piece of good news from him.

Thus, he decided to move to plan B. He called his second-in-command to his tent.

"What you need for, General?" asked Kurt.