Neutralizing the Spy

"Are you guys done?" The commanding officer asked. It is been a few hours since he leave the rebels alone.

He opens the door slightly and takes a peek inside. The air was thick with the stench of death, causing him to have a hard time breathing. 

The once grand throne hall was now a scene of horror and devastation. Deep red blood splattered all over the walls and floors. Pools of it formed around the lifeless bodies of the nobles and guards. Their faces twisted in agony, indicating the painful death they experienced. Severed limbs and heads littered the floor, adding to the gruesome scene. 

It was obvious that the rebels had taken their time with the massacre, showing no mercy to people in the hall.

Despite the horrific scene in front of him, the commanding officer's expression remained stoic. He made every effort to keep his emotions under control so that shock or revulsion won't take over him.