Moving South, Moving West

Nedideters changed ownership for the second time this year, and Braun, stationed at Greroy, remained oblivious to this development. Little did he know that Ryntum had entered the war, establishing their presence in the land across the gulf.

In the week preceding the naval bombardment of the port town by Ryntum's navy, the general has gradually transferred ten thousand soldiers from Tetherswest to Greroy.

Having faced difficulties and time constraints in capturing Tetherswest, he aimed to employ these soldiers to conquer another location beforehand.

Consequently, only eleven thousand soldiers were left to continue the siege on the city.

At present, the number of soldiers Braun has swelled to twenty-two thousand, with seventeen thousand comprising the army and the remaining five thousand serving as sailors. They mainly roam around the town, waiting for the next command from their general.