Unpeaceful Tetherswest

Inside the fortified city, tension filled the air as the guards scrambled to find the elusive spy who had once again managed to slip through their fingers after sabotaging the city's food storage. 

"Find him!" The guards' voices echoed through the narrow alleyways of Tetherswest, followed by the clatter of armour and dozens of footsteps.

Their eyes frantically searched for the spy. Every corner, every shadow became a potential hiding place. After multiple failures to capture the damned rat, the guards become desperate as their lives are at stake.

"He's not here!" shouted one search party.

The shout was met by the other party, "Not here either!"

"Damn it!" cursed the leader of the search operation. "I'm so dead." 

The spy leader, on the other hand, swiftly darted through the labyrinthine streets before melting into the bustling crowd. His heart was pounding with adrenaline.