Struggle for Escape

"Abandon the west gate! Fall back and regroup in the northern part of the city! We must make sure the northern gate is tightly in our grip!" Bain's voice rang out.

With urgency fueling their every step, the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers disengaged from the beleaguered west gate, forming a disciplined retreat towards the northern sector of the city. The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air, mingling with the shouts and cries of both friend and foe.

Bain, leading from the front, directed his troops towards the northern gate. He knew that if they could fortify their position there, they could mount a more cohesive defence against Barlia's relentless advance.

As they reached the northern part of the city, the soldiers quickly formed defensive lines, rallying around their commanding officer. Sweat dripped down their faces and their fatigue was palpable.