Just in Time

Bain and the remaining survivors of the Ryntum-Naharog army continue trudging westward.

Their weary bodies and battered spirits weighed heavily upon them. Fatigue gnawed at their limbs, their muscles aching from days of relentless marching and fighting. Hunger pangs gnawed at their stomachs, a constant reminder of food scarcity on their arduous journey.

Regardless of their condition, they keep moving as a team, bound together by a common purpose- to reach Bideford, their capital.

The road stretched before them was usually full of merchants and hundreds of caravans moving between east and west. However, this path now has become desolated and rarely taken by merchants or travellers due to the looming shadow of war.

Furthermore, it was a road currently plagued by danger, where the highwaymen lurked in the shadows, ready to prey upon the vulnerable.