The Significant of Norish

In the Palace of Hadria, King Isaac Hadria sat upon his throne, surrounded by his advisors and courtiers. The air was heavy with anticipation as a servant approached, bearing a sealed letter in their hands.

With a bow, the servant presented the missive to the king, who eagerly took hold of it.

Breaking the seal, King Isaac unfolded the paper and briefly scanned the contents of the letter. The letter, penned by Riz was concise but carried a weighty message. The words conveyed both an inquiry and a directive that demanded immediate attention.

[King Isaac,

I write to you with grave concern regarding the recent escape of the Inverloch forces from your watchful eye. The news of their elusion has disrupted Ryntum's military strategy. 

Moreover, the carelessness of Inver caused a significant loss to us in terms of manpower and weaponry. Not to mention, two places- Lonsbak and Szazki have fallen into their hand.