Fellow Inmate

"Behold!" exclaimed Admiral Stormrider. "Once, this was a humble farming island with little significance. However, our wise king envisioned it as the perfect location to incarcerate individuals, as any attempts to escape would be near impossible. Thus, this formidable prison was built."


The admiral continued to expound upon the history of the prison's construction while Sarika and the other prisoners glanced at their surroundings as they stepped inside the building.

A series of checkpoints immediately greeted them. The interior of the building was vast and imposing, stretching up multiple stories with a network of interconnected pathways that unfolded before them.

The walls were made of rough, grey stone, giving the impression of solidity and strength. Torches lined the walls, casting flickering shadows that danced eerily across the surfaces. The air held a lingering dampness, carrying a faint scent of mildew.