Exchanging Shots

The next morning, before the sun had a chance to fully rise, the inhabitants of Balkes were abruptly awakened by the resounding sound of artillery. Its thunderous echoes reverberating through the city streets.

Startled, they hurriedly peeked through their windows, their eyes fixated on the imposing walls that surrounded them.

As the morning light gradually illuminated the scene, the sight that greeted them was one of frenzied activity. Soldiers clad in armour scurried back and forth on top of the city walls, their urgent movements a stark contrast to the peacefulness that typically enveloped Balkes.

It was clear that the city's defences had been alerted, and a sense of trepidation settled over the populace.

On this particular day, the once bustling streets remained eerily silent and devoid of their usual liveliness. The daily activities that had once defined the rhythm of life in Balkes had come to a halt, replaced by an air of uncertainty and fear.