Response From Blueriver Palace



The sound of the door knocking jolted Audrey from her state of morning lethargy, stirring her from the state of laziness.

She groggily shifted beneath her warm blanket, reluctant to leave the cosy confines of her bed. 

With a groan, Audrey swung her legs over the edge of the bed and slipped her feet into a pair of slippers to protect them from the chilly floor.

Her breath formed small puffs of mist in the air as she glanced outside, observing the faint light of dawn just beginning to break through the darkness.

"Did you order something?" Audrey questioned, her voice still heavy with sleepiness. 

Her assistant, however, shook her head in response, denying Audrey's assumption. The knock on the door had taken them both by surprise, and they were unsure of its origin.