Wedding Invitation

When the final stroke was made and the last diagram completed, Riz leaned back in his chair.

A sense of accomplishment washed over him.

The concept of the fountain pen he envisioned had taken tangible form on the paper.

"I should have done this a long time ago, together with the papers," Riz muttered to himself. 

Later, as the sun began its descent, Riz decided to take a break from his work and headed home.

The journey eventually led him to the gates of his residence.

As he entered the estate, the pleasant evening air tickled his nose. He decided to take a detour.

Walking along the stone pathway that led to the back of the estate, he soon found himself immersed in the tranquil atmosphere of the garden.

Manicured lawns stretched out on either side, while vibrant blooms adorned the landscape with bursts of colour.