Wedding Day Part I

The morning of the 1st of October arrived, marked by a sense of anticipation and nervousness.

In his bedroom, Riz stood before a full-length mirror, meticulously adjusting the final details of his wedding attire.

His gaze lingered on the reflection staring back at him, a mixture of emotions swirling within.

His suit was combined with shades of black and grey, a departure from the traditional white that many might have expected.

His stepmother, a proponent of classic wedding aesthetics, had suggested the pristine colour of white, envisioning a stark contrast against the lush background of the royal gardens.

Yet, Riz had resisted, finding solace in the subdued elegance of darker tones.

The black suit jacket snugly embraced his form, accentuating his build with its tailored precision. Its lapels were crisply defined, exuding an aura of confidence and composure.