Morning of Panic


The dagger pierced through Adam's chest. His breath caught in his throat. A strangled gasp tried to escape his lips but Jin's hand firmly blocked it.

Blood gushed forth from the wound and began to stain his clothes. It flowed down through his body and pooled on the floor beneath him.

Adam's vision starts to blur. In these painful moments, as life ebbed away from him, his mind filled with many thoughts and emotions. Fear and confusion slowly overwhelm him.

"W-why?" he asked. His voice was barely audible to Jin. It can be seen that Adam is having difficulty uttering even a single word.

"I'm sorry kid. you're a nuisance to Demin. He wants to remove you from the picture. If you look for someone to blame, your grandfather is a good target." Jin's voice echoed in the darkness.

Since Adam was about to die, Jin felt no trouble revealing this tiny bit of information.

After a short while, Adam's life finally slipped away.