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In addition, she specially took out a shelf. On it were all kinds of convenience food and snacks, as well as many drinks. After doing all this, Du Yue looked around and took out a small refrigerator for Xia Ju. She placed it by the wall so that Xia Ju could drink some of her favorite iced drinks or put in yogurt milk that would easily spoil. Du Yue was very satisfied with the room that she had personally decorated.

Standing in the room and gently clapping her hands, Du Yue suddenly thought of something and asked Xia Ju, "Do you like plush toys? Or Barbie dolls?"

For someone like Xia Ju, who looked like a little girl and liked to eat snacks, she should also like soft dolls, right? After asking this question, Du Yue did not get an answer from Xia Ju for a while. She could not help but turn her head strangely. "Why aren't you answering?"

Xia Ju pursed her lips. "I think our interaction is a little strange."

"How is it strange?"