the Styllar Group

A billion dollars?

Alston was dumbfounded.

He knew that his family was rich, but at that time he was still young and had no concept of money. He only knew that the Rivera family was one of the top families in the country.

One billion dollars was just pocket money, and the Rivera family's assets were probably more than one trillion!

To be honest, at this moment, he was astonished.

But when thinking of the death of his parents, his grandfather was to blame, and he could never forgive him!

Harley saw his entanglement and hurriedly said, "Master, you belong to the Rivera family, you deserve this money, and strictly speaking, this money belongs to your father."

"Old master delivered that if you are willing to go back, you will inherit the family business in the future. If you are not willing, this money will be your living expenses."

"Oh, by the way, the Styllar Group, Capce's largest company with a market value of ten billion dollars, was acquired by the Rivera family yesterday. Now that all the shares are in your name, you can visit the Styllar Group to take over tomorrow!"

Alston felt a little implausible.

The Rivera family had invested too much in him, right?

Black cards of a billion, the Styllar Group of ten billion!

Although Capce has many powerful forces and families, of them the most powerful is the Styllar Group, which is the king in Capce's business field!

Even the Clark family who humiliated him today, and the Bernard family who pursued Flores, are negligible in front of the Styllar Group!

Unexpectedly, it was now in charge of his own.

At this time, Harley handed him a business card and said, "Master, I won't disturb you anymore, and you can tell me anything at any time when you are in trouble!"

Finished saying these words, Harley turned around to leave.

After he had gone away, Alston was lost in thought.

He didn't know if he should accept compensation from the family.

I have been humiliated for more than ten years! Moreover, Aunt Chan's medical bills still needed a million dollars to pay, and it was urgent.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and immediately turned back to the cashier: "Hello, I want to pay the medical bills."

Swiped the card, entered the password, and the transaction was completed.

Alston looked at the words that the transaction was completed and immediately sighed:

"Do you suddenly become a billionaire?"


At this time, however, quarrels took over in the family.

Flores and her parents do not live in the Clark family's manor but in a very ordinary house.

They've been kicked out since Flores Clark married him and the old master of the Clark family passed away.

Flores's mother Teresa Mason was yelling at home: "That idiot Alston! If you don't divorce him, your grandfather will probably kick you out of the family business!"

"Then I'll look for another job," Flores responded.

"You..." Teresa said angrily, "Why can't you divorce him and marry Corey? If you marry him, our family will be proud of you!"

The father-in-law also said, "I agree too!"

Flores: "Forget it, I'm not going to divorce Alston."


At the time when this couple persuaded Flores again, Alston had already completed the formalities and pushed the door in.

Having seen Alston coming back, neither father-in-law nor mother-in-law wore a pleasant expression.

Teresa snorted coldly: "You idiot, you should have the courage to come back!"

He knew that his mother-in-law had always looked down on him, but he was still not ready to let her know his identity at this moment.

After all, so many things happened suddenly, and he also needed time to accept it.

Alston didn't say much but went straight back to the room.

"What a piece of shit!" Teresa yelled at Alston.

"Mom, calm down, I'll go in and take a look." Flores also felt helpless. Having comforted her mother, she returned to her room.

"How's Aunt Chan? I still have thirteen thousand deposits. I'll bring it to her tomorrow."

"No need, expenses have already been paid and Aunt Chan is still under treatment," Alston replied.

"Really?" Flores said in surprise. "Aunt Chan is saved?"

"Yeah," Alston said. "Aunt Chan has helped so many people, and now someone finally pays her back."

"That's so good!" Flores nodded and talked to Alston Rivera. "You can relieve now."

"Yes." Alston sighed.

Having said that, the two have already sat on the bed, their bodies linked together, and one of Alston's hands has been placed on Flores's boobs.

Flores said shyly, "Mom and dad are still outside. If they knew we were making love in the room, they would kick you out."

"It's okay, the insulation of the room is good." Alston had already put his arms around Flores and pressed her under him.

Flores shook his head: "Forget it today, there's been a lot of work in the company recently, also I'm so tired."

Alston asked, "What happened to the company?"

Flores uttered: "The business operates not that well. Grandpa always desires to work with a big company like the Styllar Group, but Styllar looks down on us."

Alston suddenly recognized the Styllar Group is in his charge and asked her, "The Clark family is not cooperating with the Styllar Group?"

Flores Clark shook his head mockingly and said, "Don't mention it! Even Susie's fiancé Felix's family is barely related to the Styllar Group, and grandma expects them to get married. After that, the Carter family can strive to make the Clark family cooperate with Styllar."

Alston nodded.

It turned out that the Clark family had always wanted to cooperate with Styllar.

The master of the Clark family could never imagine that the Styllar Group was now his own company!

Alston Rivera decided to take over the Styllar Group first, and then give Flores a little help through Styllar. She was always bullied by the Clark family, and as her husband, it was her responsibility to help her improve her status in the family.

Flores, I won't let anyone look down on you again!

I will make the entire Clark family bow to you!

Alston thought in his mind.

The next morning.

After Alston finished his meal, he directly came to the Styllar Group.

Coming downstairs to the Styllar Group, Alston Rivera saw a car parked next to him, and a young man and woman walked out of the car.

The men wore high-end suits and looked very stylish, and the women were sexy and coquettish.

And this beauty turned out to be Flores's cousin Susie, and the young man next to her was Felix, the young master of the Carter family.

Alston didn't know what Susie and Felix were doing at the Styllar Group, and he didn't even want to talk to them to cause any trouble.

Unexpectedly, Susie, who had just got off the car, saw him immediately and shouted, "Oh, brother!"

Susie's call sounded so kind, but Alston couldn't help frowning after hearing that.

Out of politeness, he stopped, and when the two approached, he smiled and said, "Hello, Susie, why are you here?"

Susie Clark giggled. "I'm here with Felix to visit Rita Ross, vice chairman of the Styllar Group!"

Visiting the Styllar Group?

Alston didn't know what kind of cooperation they had with the Styllar Group. After all, the Styllar Group had just become his industry and he did not have time to figure out its business.

However, he didn't want to show it, but smiled and said, "Okay, then I won't bother you!"

Felix sneered at Alston, feeling a little injustice in his heart.

This piece of shit was scolded by the master of the Clark family yesterday. Today it felt like nothing had happened.

Why would such a beauty marry such a jerk?

Without him, I would pursue Flores Clark desperately, why would I be engaged to Susie who is inferior in every way?

Felix was upset and asked deliberately, "What is my brother coming to the Styllar Group for?"

Alston said casually: "I'm looking for a job."

"Looking for a job?" he scoffed. "Is there anything you can do? Why do you want to come to the Styllar Group to find a job?"

Alston Rivera frowned. "What does it have to do with you?"

Susie stopped Alston, just wanting to sneer at him. Having seen Felix started first, she immediately sneered:

"As a jerk, you won't even be capable to apply for a security guard at the Styllar Group. If you have a little self-knowledge, you might go to the street to pick up the garbage and sell it, then maybe you can make 1000 dollars a month at least!"

After she finished speaking, she threw the bottle in her hand at the foot of Alston and hummed, "Well, I'm taking care of you, just pick up this empty bottle and sell it for money!"

Felix smiled and said, "Although you are a jerk, but since you are a relative of mine, I have to take care of you to some extent. It happens that I have some connection with the vice chairman of the Styllar Group. Why don't I say a few good words to you and let her help you? Do you want a job cleaning the toilet?"

Alston sneered and said, "It doesn't matter what kind of job I'm looking for, you should care more about yourself, the Styllar Group is a big company, and I believe they won't cooperate with a bastard like you! "

Felix was furious: "What are saying?"

Alston said dismissively: "You are a bastard!"

Having finished these words, he didn't talk to Felix, just walked towards the Styllar Group building.

"Fuck, stop!" Felix followed, catching up with Alston at the elevator entrance.

He intended to fix Alston, at least he had to beat him up to let him know what would happen if Alston offended him.

But seeing that he was already in the Styllar Group building, he was worried that he would anger his partners by doing it here, so he had to temporarily dismiss the idea of ​​fixing him.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Next time you won't have such good luck!"

Alston snorted coldly, stepped into the elevator, and said to him, "Felix, do you think you're a God? Trust me, I'll make you pay soon!"

"You motherfucking jerk!" Felix Carter stepped into the elevator.

Susie gave him a hand and said contemptuously, "Felix, don't take the same elevator with such kind of a jerk, lest you be suffocated by the stench of his body."

Felix nodded, knowing that he couldn't beat him here, so he said coldly: "Wait, I will beat you every time I saw you!"

Alston took the elevator straight to the top floor where the chairman's office was located.

In the Styllar Group, Harley had already arranged a position for him, and it is the vice chairman, Rita Ross, who is responsible to contact him.

Rita was well-known in Capce. She was a famous woman in Capce. Not only Rita was beautiful, but also she has the solid working ability. She has been promoted to vice chairman of the Styllar Group at such a young age.

Now, the Styllar Group had been acquired by the Rivera family, the original chairman had left, and Rita Ross had stayed to assist the new chairman.

Rita was shocked when she saw Alston. She did not expect that young master, whom Harley spoke of, would be so young!

Afterward, she did not dare to procrastinate, and immediately said respectfully, "Master, please come to my office."