Win the Bet

"How did you do it?"

"Thanks to Vice Chairman Rita Ross, she thought we are very promising," Flores said.

Hearing this, Harlan felt even more uncomfortable.

No wonder Flores got the contract!

It turns out that the Styllar Group itself was very optimistic about the Clark family!

"You missed a great opportunity!"

At this time, Alston said, "Harlan, do you remember our bet?"

A dark cloud cast on Harlan's face.

How could he forget the bet, if he lost, he must kneel and apologize to Alston in public.

Flores got the contract and made it clear he was the loser.


How can I admit it to this jerk?


He immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Alston, who do you think you are? You're just a married son-in-law, and you want me to admit this fault?"

Alston said indifferently: "Don't forget, the master of the family agreed, are you going against grandpa's order?"

Lyndon's expression immediately turned extremely gloomy! He remembered that he did acquiesce to the bet at that time.

He stared at Harlan and asked in a cold voice, "What? You want to break the promise?"

Harlan panicked and blurted out, "Grandpa, you can't be fooled by Alston! He's trying to make me embarrassed!"

Alston said lightly at this time: "Harlan, don't forget the betting scene, all of us are here."

The others were also silent.

Harlan was panicked because he could see that the whole family was standing opposite at this moment!

Harlan's father patted the table and shouted angrily, "Are you going to break your oath?"

"I..." Harlan hesitated, calculating in his mind immediately.

"If you abide by the bet and confess to Alston's mistake, you will be shame.

But if I don't abide by the bet and it will anger the whole family, then I will lose everything in the Clark family!"

Thinking of this, he felt unwilling in his heart, but he could only grit his teeth and say, "Okay! I'm willing to admit defeat!"

Alston looked at him with a smile and waited for him to kneel without saying a word.

Harlan felt like his legs were filled with lead as he moved to Alston.

He was trembling with hatred and gritted his teeth, but his legs were still weak and he knelt on the ground.

Some people even quietly took out their mobile phones.

Harlan lowered his head and said in a trembling voice, "I am wrong!"

After speaking, he leaned down and kowtowed.

Alston said, "I didn't hear what you said, speak louder!"

Harlan endured the humiliation and kowtowed again: "I am wrong!"

Alston sneered: "Oh since you are wrong, what is wrong?"

Harlan had the thought to kill Alston, but there was one last head left.

He just gritted his teeth and said, "My fault is that I shouldn't doubt my sister's ability."

Hearing this, Alston nodded again!

"This Harlan had long been unbearable, and this time I seized the opportunity to let him kneel and kowtow to myself and admit his mistake. This is cool!

Flores looked at Alston in surprise, and felt that her husband was suddenly different from that before!

However, she still could not distinguish what was different.

But looking back at how confident he was when he made a bet with Harlan yesterday, it seemed he had expected that he would win.

Why did he have such strong self-confidence?

After Harlan kowtowed three times, tears of humiliation welled in his eyes.

But he didn't dare to make a mistake at the moment.

Because he knew that the master of the family must have a strong dissatisfaction with him.

"This time, I can't say anything to make him angry anymore."

Lyndon was relieved to see Harlan kowtow and admit his mistake.

He didn't hope that his grandson would admit his mistake to Alston, but the key was that he acquiesced to the bet at the time. If he regretted it temporarily, it would affect the morale of the Clark family, and it would also chill the hearts of other people.

So, he looked at Harlan and said lightly: "This is a lesson for you, don't bet with others if you are not sure in the future!"

Harlan said with a sad face: "I know, I will never do it again"

When he spoke, he glanced at Alston, and thought: you bastard force me to kneel and kowtow to you, I will kill you sooner or later!

Immediately, Lyndon opened his mouth and said, "I'm gratified to manage cooperation today. Everyone should hurry up to prepare this time. We must take this opportunity to build a good relationship with the Styllar Group!"

Alston reminded: "Master, since the project cooperation has been managed, is the position of the company director going to be Flores?"

Lyndon raised his eyebrows and thought to himself.

He did say that whoever gets the contract can be the director.

However, thinking that Flores had never been favoured by him and that her husband had always disgusted him.

If Flores was held up, she would not be out of his control in the future.

At this moment, he wanted to withdraw his previous promise, but he was worried about chilling the hearts of others.

So, he said: "Well, tomorrow night, I will hold a banquet and invite all the influential people. At that time, I will announce our cooperation with the Styllar Group and the appointment of a new director in person."

Hearing this, Alston sighed in satisfaction.

Flores also smiled happily. The position of director was finally her own, and she would not need to be pushed out by others in the future, and her parents can raise their heads eventually!

Lyndon turned, looked at Flores, and said again, "There's one thing I need your help with."

Flores hurriedly said, "Master, what is it?"

Lyndon said: "I want you to contact the chairman of the Styllar Group and invite him to tomorrow's banquet."

After a pause, the old man said expectantly, "If he can come to our banquet, it will definitely be good for the Clark family, and it will also make us famous!"

Flores pondered for a moment, then said hesitantly: "But last time I went, I only saw Rita, the vice chairman of Styllar, and I didn't meet the chairman himself. And we just got their project, but we held a banquet like this. It seems too deliberate."

"So what? I just want to tell the entire Capce people that we have cooperated with the Styllar Group, and the Clark family will flourish in the future!"

After the old man finished speaking, he added: "Even if the chairman of Styllar doesn't want to come over, it's okay to invite Rita over."

Having said this, Lyndon is already excited.

The Clark family, under his management, would become even more splendid!

Flores thought for a moment, then hesitantly replied, "I understand. I'll try."

"It's not a trial! It's a must!"

Flores nodded lightly, then quietly asked Alston, "What should I do? What if the chairman of the Styllar Group doesn't come? What if Rita doesn't want to come?"

Alston laughed and said, "Just try it, don't you have Rita's phone? Maybe as soon as you call, she will agree?"

The Clark family was going to hold a banquet. In addition to showing the power of the Clark family, they will also announce the promotion of Flores to the director at the banquet.

At this time, Flores did not know that her husband was the chairman of the Styllar Group. She sighed a little tangled, and said, "It is the chairman, how can he have time to attend the banquet?"

Alston smiled and said, "I don't think so. Maybe he is at home with his wife every day, cooking and washing clothes?"

Flores looked at him and said, "You think everyone is like you?"

Alston nodded. "Yeah, probably the owner of the Styllar Group is just like me."

Flores pouted and said, "How is that possible!"

Knowing that Alston was joking, Flores didn't care, stepped aside, and called Rita.

Soon, the call is connected.

Rita's melodious voice came from the opposite side: " Hello, Ms. Clark."

"Hello, I have something to ask for your help," Flores said embarrassedly.

"Well, go ahead." Rita agreed.

Flores organized her thoughts, took a deep breath, and then plucked up to say: "I want to ask if the chairman is available tomorrow night, our family wants to hold a banquet to officially announce the cooperation with Styllar, and I hope the chairman could come."

Rita was silent for a while before answering: "I can't decide, how about I ask the chairman's opinion for you?"

Flores respectfully said, "Thank you so much!"

After hanging up, Flores held the phone nervously, waiting for news from the other party.

Just then, Alston's phone suddenly rang.