
Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Ryan and Teresa, and they were so frightened that they lost their minds.

Ryan responded the fastest. He thumped and knelt directly in front of Lord Beck, kowtowing while crying and begging: "I was wrong, I apologize to you! I was blind, I didn't recognize you, and I shouldn't have opened your mouth to scold you! Please, spare my life!"

After he finished speaking, he knelt on the ground, slapped himself again, apologized again, and burst into tears.

He didn't expect that the backing behind the boss of this swindling company turned out to be the famous Lord Beck in Capce!

Such a powerful man, let alone Ryan, even his own family dared not to offend him!

He so regretted that he wanted to die at the moment!

"I just want to take this opportunity to court Flores' mother so that I can get in touch with Flores.

Unexpectedly, before I could achieve my goal, I offended Lord Beck!

If my father knows about this, he would have killed me."

Seeing this scene in front of them, the old men and ladies around were shocked.

They also counted on Ryan to help them get the money back, but who would have thought that the next second, he would kneel directly on the ground and apologize to the man in front of him...

Teresa, who was so proud just now, but this time had been slapped several times, and was so embarrassed!

Lord Beck snorted coldly and said to the people around him, "Since this guy has such a stinky mouth, you guys will take turns giving him ten thousand slaps. When the ten thousand slaps are finished, you can stop at that time."

Ryan was so frightened that he could be beaten to death after 10,000 slaps!

At this moment, Lord Beck's subordinate pointed at Teresa with disheveled hair and blurted out, "Lord Beck, what about this woman?"

Lord Beck glanced at Teresa in disgust, and said lightly, "Kill her!"

Teresa knelt on the ground with a frightening thud, her whole body shaking violently.

She did not want to die yet!

At this time, several men stood up, some grabbed Ryan, and others grabbed Teresa.

Alston had been watching the scene from the crowd.

When he saw his mother-in-law being beaten, he didn't want to intervene. His mother-in-law was courting her death, and she should have been beaten.

However, if Lord Beck's men kill her, Flores must be in a lot of pain!

He felt that he needed to intervene now!

Just when a strong man raised his arms and was about to grab Teresa's neck, Alston quickly stepped forward and grabbed his wrist!

Teresa screamed in fright at this time and closed her eyes, but suddenly found that nothing seemed to happen.

When she opened her eyes, she was shocked!

That bastard son-in-law, Alston, came out at this time and blocked the opponent's palm!

What the fuck?

Her mind was short-circuited, and she couldn't react. How could Alston be so bold?

The security guard didn't expect that at this time, someone would dare to intervene for this damn old lady. Then the security guard asked in a cold voice, "Who are you? Do you want to die too?"

Alston smiled lightly: "Kevin, you can beat the jerk next to you, but forget her! She is my mother-in-law."

"Who do you think you are, let our lord forgive this bitch??" the security guard said angrily.

"Wait..." Lord Beck stared at Alston, his expression suddenly changing.

"Are you... young master?"

Alston looked at Lord Beck with a light smile but didn't speak.

Everyone next to him was stunned.

What happened?

Did these two people know each other?

Especially Ryan was completely stunned.

"Does this bastard, even know Lord Beck?"

From the looks of them, the two seem to have an unusual relationship.

Why does Lord Beck call Alston "Master"?

At the same time, the security guard who was going to kill him also stopped immediately and gave Lord Beck an embarrassed look.

He didn't dare to move until Lord Beck speak.

If there was any relationship between the two, then if he moved, it would be damaging!

At this point, Lord Beck's eyes were completely focused on Alston.

He already had the impression that the young man in front of him was that young master! The son of the Rivera family!

He had always wanted to cling to the Rivera family!

So, his legs subconsciously softened, he knelt in front of Alston, and said with sincerity, "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't know she was your mother-in-law, I was confused, I apologize to you!"

After saying that, his legs softened and he knelt in front of Alston.

Everyone present was stunned, watching Lord Beck kneel to apologize for this jerk, Alston???

Even though Ryan was a dead dog in front of Lord Beck, this young man could make Lord Beck kneel on the ground. Who was he?

Lord Beck's subordinates were also scared!

Lord Beck was the boss of Capce's underworld! What kind of young man could make him kneel?!

Alston didn't want Lord Beck's life either, after all, he was beating his mother-in-law, not himself.

And from the bottom of his heart, Alston also thinks it's fucking cool to watch his mother-in-law get beaten!

So he said to Lord Beck: "I can forgive you this time, but the money you get from my mother-in-law must be returned with interest!"

Lord Beck felt as if he had been granted amnesty. He didn't expect the young master to forgive himself. He hurriedly stood up and blurted out, "Don't worry, I'll do it now!"

After that, he shouted to George next to him: "Hurry up and handle it! Be careful, or I break your legs!"

Teresa was already shocked, was this still his useless son-in-law? Did even the famous Lord Beck have to kneel for him?

In an instant, Teresa felt Alston's image grow taller in her own eyes, even inscrutable.

Ryan, who had suffered several slaps, was also dumbfounded. Wasn't Alston a famous jerk? Why was Lord Beck afraid of him?

At this time, George came over with a black suitcase with a pale face, went to Teresa, and said in horror: "Auntie, your principal is 1.3 million, and the promised dividends, 200,000, the total is 1.5 million, here is 2 million, and the remaining 500,000 is our compensation, please take it..."

Teresa was totally stunned!

When did this useless son-in-law have such great ability?

The principal was returned, the promised interest was given, and they gave an additional $500,000.

Teresa was instantly overjoyed, and a little bit in disbelief.

Immediately, she asked George in surprise, "Is this money all for me?"

George nodded and said, "Of course, it's all yours!"

"Jesus! that's great!" Teresa was excited.

The other old men and ladies were so excited that they felt that since her money was refunded, their own money should also be returned with interest, so a few people took the lead in asking: "Manager Connie, What about our money?"

Manager Connie hurriedly looked at Lord Beck.

Although Lord Beck was reluctant to spit out the money he got, it was the young master of the Rivera family whom he had angered this time, and he might even lose his life, so he didn't care about his distress and blurted out, "Return all of the money! For the sake of the young master, everyone's money will be returned with interest!"