Are You Harlan Clark?

Jade Palace is a palatial French restaurant, decorated and styled with traditional French flair.

Alston looked at the decorations inside Jade Palace and was a little surprised.

"Unexpectedly, Lord Beck's restaurant is really good, and maybe I can bring my wife over to have a taste in the future."

Betty looked around and admired: "I heard the name of Jade Palace when I was in Ronley, and it lives up to its reputation."

Harlan smiled and said, "Definitely, it is our pleasure to arrange you in the best restaurant when you come here."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Alston again and sneered: "It's not like someone who probably never have the opportunity to come to such a high-end restaurant in his entire lifetime."

Susie asked deliberately at this time: "Alston, didn't you also book a box at Jade Palace? Which one is it? Can you take us to see it?"

Alston replied: "I can't remember exactly which one I booked. I just sent a message to their boss and asked him to help me arrange it. Wait for me to check the reservation information."

Harlan sarcastically said: "Do you know who is the boss here? Don't talk bullshit here, the boss is the famous Lord Beck. You dare to say such words, be careful when Lord Beck hears it and kills you."

At this time, Alston turned on his mobile phone, looked at the text message Lord Beck sent him last night, and said lightly, "He said that the diamond box was reserved for me."

Harlan immediately laughed when he heard Alston's words: "Hahaha...Diamond box? Alston, don't kid me! Do you know who can go to the diamond box? No more than ten people in the entire Capce are eligible to enter the diamond box. Who do you think you are?"

Betty didn't say anything, but she couldn't help but think to herself, "this Alston was such a braggart, how could he reserve the diamond box using his identity? I used to think that this person has no money and power and is a bit useless, but I didn't expect him to be such a person who loves bragging."

What a disappointment!

Alston laughed without saying a word. In his opinion, the people who made fun of him were all stupid, but he didn't bother to talk to them.

Felix also sarcastically said: "Alston, even my dad is not qualified to eat in the diamond box, how dare you to brag!"

Susie echoed on the side: "Felix, don't talk about eating in the diamond box, he is not eligible to even eat the leftovers from the diamond box!"

Alston looked at Felix and sneered in his heart.

"You stupid asshole, Lord Beck just beat up your brother yesterday, and you still dare to come to his restaurant for dinner?"

But he deliberately asked, "I heard that something happened to your brother yesterday?"

Felix frowned. "How do you know?"

After that, Felix said again: "My brother was attacked yesterday and is still in a coma. We are investigating who injured him! Do you know any clues?"

Alston laughed. "Of course, I do."

"What? You know?" Felix's expression changed suddenly, "It's not like you did it, right? No, it's impossible..."

Alston smiled and ignored him.

Truly a family of idiots!

Don't even know that his brother was knocked unconscious by Lord Beck? Interesting.

At this moment, a man in black came straight to the crowd.

Alston saw him look familiar, and then he remembered that he was one of Lord Beck's bodyguards.

When the man saw Alston, he recognized it, and his face was full of earnestness and respect.

Afterward, he stood in front of the crowd and said directly: "Please come with me, distinguished guests, the box has been prepared for you for a long time."

Harlan was stunned when he heard the words. When did the golden box service of Jade Palace be so considerate? And someone came to greet him even before he said his name?

Felix on the side sighed: " It seems that Lord Beck attaches great importance to you. Do you know Lord Beck? I haven't heard you mention it. You are so low-key."

Harlan laughed and said proudly, "There's no need to show off this kind of thing, it's better to keep a low profile! Hahaha!"

Betty was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect Harlan to have such power in Capce. Compared to Alston, he was much better."

"It seems that in the future in Capce if I have a good relationship with him, it will be much more convenient for daily affairs."

The man in black respectfully led everyone to the door of the diamond box.

Then, he took out the form, handed it directly to Alston, and said softly, "Sir, please sign here."

This diamond box was specially reserved for Alston and needed his signature to confirm.

Alston took the pen and paper with a smile and was about to write his name when Harlan's voice suddenly rang out.

"Damn, put the pen down!"

Harlan walked over with a sullen face, snatched the pen and paper from Alston's hand, scribbled his name, and scolded Alston, "Should you be ashamed? Do you know who booked the box? What qualifications do you have to sign here!"

The man in black was immediately stunned, looked at Alston, and gave him a questioning look, that meant, do you need me to help you teach this bastard a lesson now?

Alston said lightly, "It doesn't matter, let him sign if he wants to."

In the face of Betty, Alston didn't want to make things too embarrassing, after all, she was his wife's best friend, and secondly, Alston knew that this idiot was going to be out of luck.

Soon, everyone in the box sat down.

Harlan had Betty in the main seat, and Alston sat alone in the corner, with only Betty talking to him from time to time.

Soon, the exquisite dishes and wines were presented by the waiters and waitresses.

The ingredients of all the dishes were very luxurious, and the top-grade foie gras and caviar could only be used as a foil here.

There was a whisky aged for more than a century!

Betty, who is also well-informed, was struck by the extravagance of the meal.

Felix exclaimed, "Harlan, how much is this meal?"

Harlan said proudly: "This is a standard of fifty thousand."

Felix was shocked: "This is not the standard of fifty thousand, and these bottles of liquors alone are more than fifty thousand."

Harlan was secretly shocked and suddenly felt that something was not right. Thinking of the attitude of the man in black to him just now, could it be that Lord Beck gave him some special treatment?

But Harlan didn't know him at all!

Betty's beautiful eyes flickered, she glanced at Harlan, and said, "Thank you!"

When Harlan heard Betty's words, he smiled and said, "It is my pleasure!"

With these words, Harlan smiled and asked Alston, "Alston, you must have never eaten dishes so luxurious in your life, right?"

Alston sneered: "Who gave you that confidence?"

Harlan said with contempt, "How dare you say such words when eating with my money?"

Alston smiled indifferently. His life when he was a child was extremely luxurious. Such a meal served by servants was quite normal in the Rivera family.

Susie said angrily, "Alston, how could you talk to my brother like that? Believe it or not, I'll let you get out now! "

However, at this time, the door of the box was kicked open, and a vicious voice rose: "Where did you idiots come from, who let you in this box!"

As soon as the voice fell, came a man wearing an Armani suit with a centipede-like scar on his face spread from the corner of his eyes to his chin.

This man was holding a list in one hand and a stick in the other, and his face was fierce!

A dozen or so burly men with tattoos and scars lined up and surrounded everyone.

Everyone was stunned and panicked. What was the situation?

The leader was Morton Bart, Lord Beck's close man and also known throughout Capce.

This time Lord Beck instructed him, saying that the extremely distinguished Mr. Rivera would use the Jade Palace's diamond box so that he must arrange it properly.

But he never thought that when he checked the signature of the box, he found that the diamond box had been signed by a person named Harlan Clark, and he was angry and scared.

This damn Harlan has taken up his box for the distinguished guests!

"There is only one table in the diamond box, and the real distinguished guests will be gone when they come. What should I do?"

At this time, Harlan stood up and said, "What are you doing? This box is booked by me. Are you here to make trouble?"

Morton pointed at Harlan and asked him, "Are you Harlan Clark?"