BMW Store

Seeing that Alston agreed to attend the class reunion, Flores reminded Alston: "Jim's restaurant is open, we have to prepare gifts, we can't go empty-handed."

Alston nodded and said, "I'll go buy him a present tomorrow morning."

"Okay," Flores said. "It just so happens that I have to go to Styllar Group tomorrow morning."

Betty asked in surprise: "Are you coming to Styllar Group tomorrow morning? Then you can come to me when you're done. Just in time to pick me up at noon, let's go to the restaurant together!"

Flores laughed: "No way. I don't even have a car. I usually take the bus and sometimes Alston picks me up on a motorcycle."

"Ah?" Betty blurted out: "You are the director but you haven't bought a car yet?"

Flores said: "I didn't work for a long time, and I didn't make any money. Usually, Alston and I pay for living expenses for my mother. I have only a few thousand dollars left every month, which is not enough to buy a car."

After speaking, Flores added: "Besides, to be honest, I think the bus is convenient enough. If the weather is good, it is also fantastic to take Alston's motorcycle."

Betty said seriously: "Sometimes you need to pay attention to your image. After all, you are the director of the Clark Group, and you are the partner who directly cooperates with the Styllar Group. If you don't even have a car, others will gossip about you."

Alston also felt that Betty was right.

His wife has always been too simple, and most of the money earned was handed over to the mother-in-law, so she hardly spent money on her own.

Thinking of this, he felt that he had to buy a car for his wife. In this way, it would be more convenient for her to go out and attend business events in the future.

After making up his mind, he decided to go to the auto mall early tomorrow morning to take a look.


After dinner, the couple said goodbye to Betty and took a taxi home together.

On the radio in the taxi, there was a discussion about the Hanging Garden of Selene Hotel being block booked.

The host was amazed. This was the first time in history that Selene Hotel made an exception to reserving the whole Hanging Garden for its customers. He was also curious as to who could have such power.

The taxi driver also said, "If you want me to say, the person who reserved Hanging Garden must be the rich man in the video!"

Alston didn't talk to him, but he couldn't help being a little surprised!

It seemed that the news that the event of the Hanging Garden of the Selene Hotel had caused a sensation in the entire Capce!

This night, this event continued to ferment throughout Capce!

As everyone knew, Selene Hotel adopted a membership service, and only senior members have the opportunity to use Hanging Garden! As for block booking, there was no need to think about it. Even diamond members did not have this qualification!

There are rumours that the person who reserved the Hanging Garden was a rich man who was popular all over the country;

Others said that the person who contracted Hanging Garden was a wealthy overseas businessman;

Many people are looking forward to that day coming soon so that they can come here to find out!

To avoid revealing his identity, Alston specially instructed Ronald Morse to carry out a special transformation of the entire Hanging Garden. At the same time, he was also looking forward to the arrival of the wedding anniversary!

He, on his wedding anniversary, would give Flores a grand wedding!


The next morning, Alston went out early to head to the BMW store.

He had a bank card in his hand, which he had not used much until now.

This time, he's going to buy Flores a luxury sedan.

He wanted to buy her a Porsche or Maserati first.

But after thinking about it carefully, he was afraid that such an expensive car would not be easy to explain to her. Moreover, Flores had always been low-key. Even if she had such an expensive car, she would not be willing to drive it.

So, he decided to buy his wife a car for around one hundred thousand which was not too ostentatious and was more practical, so it wouldn't be so distressing if it was scratched.

Thinking of this, he was going to buy a BMW X5 for his wife. Now all women who talk about business drive BMWs. Moreover, the BMW X5 is a BMW that is suitable for women to drive.

He came to the BMW store, parked his motorcycle at the door, and walked in.

Several shopping guides inside saw that guest was coming, and immediately two people were ready to greet him.

A woman behind said: "Oh, this man came on a cheap motorcycle, it is estimated that he came to use the air conditioner or Wi-Fi, don't pay attention to him."

As soon as they heard that it was on a motorcycle, they lost interest in an instant.

The weather was hot recently, and there were always poor men running over early to enjoy the air conditioner. Sometimes they even sit in the show car shamelessly, and they won't get down if they got in. In the end, sales can only dispatch security guards to catch them.

Alston rode a motorcycle and wore all his cheap clothes, and it doesn't stand out here at all, and he did not look like someone who could afford a BMW.

No one paid attention to him, but Alston didn't care. He went directly to the car exhibition area to have a look and found that the price of this car ranged from 60,000 to more than 100,000, and the model for more than 100,000 dollars was the top model.

Honestly, this car looked really good!

The price of more than 100,000 dollars was not expensive, and Flores should accept it.

So, he said to sales: "Is there a new car for this top-end A6? I want to take it away now!"

The shopping guides looked at him as if he was an idiot, and one of them said contemptuously, "Have you seen the price? "

Alston frowned at him. "10,600 dollars, I see it."

The man sneered and said, "Can you afford it? After a while, it will be time for you to swipe your card, and so many people are watching, how embarrassing it would be if you have no money!"

Alston asked coldly, "What's fucking wrong with you? Haven't I said I will take it?"

The man hummed: "Fuck you asshole! Believe it or not, I'll let the security guard kick you out. A poor guy who enjoys air conditioners and Wi-Fi would say such words to me?"

Alston laughed instead and asked him, "If you sell this car, how much commission will you get?"

The man said contemptuously, "I can raise three thousand dollars!"

Alston nodded. "Fine, you have lost $3,000."

With that, Alston turned around and went out.

He happened to meet the manager of this store coming in. The name of the sales manager: Allen was written on his name tag.

So, Alston asked him, "Are you in charge here?"

"Yes." Allen nodded. "How can I help you?"

Alston pointed to the sale just now and said to him, "You'd better fire that sale. He will only make trouble for you."

As soon as the man heard it, he rushed over and said, "Manager, don't listen to his bullshit! It's just a jerk who came to use our air conditioner!"

Alston laughed: "I'm not a jerk, just wait and see."

After speaking, he went out immediately and went directly to the Porsche store next door.