Chapter 26 - Chapter 26

About half an hour later, Feng You woke up, wading on a huge rock, the scenery in the mountains was excellent, her slender fingers as white as jade pinched her eyebrows, stood up leisurely, and found a set of extremely beautiful women beside her. The clothes must have been prepared by him. Now that Ji Qingyang is no longer around, where has he gone?

There seems to be a sense of loss spreading! But why should I be lost? Forget it, I don't want to. Seeing that his body was indeed covered in filth, and seeing that there was no one around, he went down to the edge of the lake to wash his body and changed into the dress.

Just after changing her dress and before turning around, she noticed that someone was approaching, and she quickly gathered her spiritual power with vigilance, but she was pleasantly surprised to find that the purity of her spiritual power was really scary, and her spiritual power was very abundant. Wei obviously has reached the pinnacle of spiritual masters!

It felt like she had become a good spiritual practitioner in this world in a blink of an eye. Before the surprise was over, he saw the enchanting face magnified in front of him.

Ji Qingyang was also stunned for a while, knowing that her You'er has always been extremely beautiful, but she was deeply shocked!

A blue emerald cigarette shirt, a pleated skirt with broken flowers, mist and green grass, with muscles as thick as an orchid, with a slender waist and a slight step, with spring water in his eyes, Liu Pan, and three thousand black and black hair on his head pouring down like a waterfall Next, the fragrance is delicate and tender, more delicate than the flowers, the fingers are like shaving the root of onion, the mouth is like Zhu Dan, every frown and smile is moving, the white jasmine smoke is soft yarn, the body is light smoke, it is really a little greasy and crisp. Melting the charming and charming taste, before he knew it, he had fallen into a madness!

I can't tell if it's the past or the present, and it seems like I'm in a dream.

"Cough cough," Seeing the person coming, the condensed spiritual power also dispersed in the wave of her hand. Looking at the stupid Ji Qingyang, she coughed a little embarrassedly, and also woke up the crazy Ji Qingyang.

"My You'er is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world! It's not an exaggeration to overwhelm the country! You'er, you are really beautiful!" He praised from the bottom of his heart. She took it into her arms, and a pair of iron arms hugged her tightly, as if taking an oath.

"Fuck me, you hug me again!" Feng You's expression changed, struggling to get out of his embrace. Then, due to the constant struggle, the softness of his chest was also constantly rubbing against his chest, causing a dark flame to appear in the man's eyes, not clear and bright.

"You'er good, don't move!" He said in a hoarse voice, his iron arms tightly embraced, his cold and luxurious aura became dark, his heart trembled, his breathing became rapid, a warm fragrance and a warm jade in his arms, and it was himself. People with sharp hearts, the heat of the whole body began to gather in one place, and the body began to firm up.

For a rotten girl, she knows a little bit about what the firmness against her belly is like, so she doesn't move, just let him hold it.

He took a deep breath, and what entered his nose was the fragrance of her girl, but there was no other woman's oily smell. It was very refreshing, and the heat in his body couldn't be dissipated. He had to secretly run the spiritual power in his body, suppressing this fiery heat. Affection.

After a while, he let go of her, and she also left his embrace, a meter away from him. When he saw her small movements, he smiled helplessly.

"You'er, I'm already yours, you have to get used to the hugs between us in the future!" A certain evildoer smiled slyly.