Chapter 33

"Feng You's back is straight, and the aura emanating

from her body is so powerful that it makes people unable to look directly at the world like a queen!


, I wanted to get up from the ground, but I couldn't use my strength! I hated to climb Feng You!

And the group of people that Gao Ying'er brought have been completely stunned, stunned, and their legs trembled. The servant who knelt on the ground.

What's going on! Even the general's wife was thrown out by Feng You's useless trick, and fell heavily to the ground. What does it mean?!

Gao Ying'er in the General's Mansion, and even in the entire Liuli Country, is not low in strength. After all, she is the second-level spiritual master! But such a powerful spiritual practitioner is under Feng You's move. I was stunned!

What kind of concept is this! Isn't that Feng You's strength must be higher than that of the general's wife!!!

Who **** can tell them that this perverted person is a waste? Is it a waste? ? Who said, come out, they promise not to kill her!

(Author: People who eat melons, didn't you discuss this waste happily at the General's Mansion before? It seems that you are still bullying people from time to time? Swollen? Amnesia? People who eat melons :

Da, didn't you tell us? Angry, Miss Feng You, really don't blame us!

.... I can't make a big face... I'm going to code, I'll find a handsome guy for you!)

Everyone is stiff, kowtow to the ground, and dare not look up!

The cowardly are even trembling! Understand how she moved from the room to Gao Ying'er in an instant, and resolved and solved the lady in one move! Only fear lingers in my heart.

Feng You cast a glance at the kneeling Wu Yayue group of people, a fierce light flashed in her eyes, and the cold air spread out from her body, "From now on, I don't want to hear a concubine called my wife again, besides, the big I'm the only one, Feng You, young lady, if someone commits another crime, don't blame me for being cruel!"


"Ah!" A

scream resounded throughout the General's Mansion, and Feng You's hand was crushed by Gao Ying'er! How can a person who has no worries about food and clothing all day, can endure such torture, with such gorgeous eyes turning white, he fainted!

All the people who were kneeling on the ground couldn't help shaking, and their backs were cold. , I was in a cold sweat! I kept

kowtowing , "Yes, Miss! Please make amends!" Other people's eight weird nonsense! Where is this waste, this is obviously a genius, is it a perverted genius?!

Has anyone seen a 15-year-old spiritual master! It is still at least two levels above the spiritual master! The whole country of Liuli There are not many such perverts, right?! The little heart is going to be paralyzed!

However, just when Gao Yinger was in a coma, Xixiangyuan ushered in the second batch of "guests" today!

"His Royal Highness is here! "