
The group of five sprinted through the forest, nearing the Nysa encampment that Salvador was presumably on his way to.

"Will we get there in time?" Hugo shouted, flicking his eyes from the map to the forest in front of him.

None of them were sure. The best thing they could hope for was that Salvador walked while they ran.


"ARRGHHH!!" A man fell to his knees, his arm bent at weird angles.

"Are there more out here?"

The man consumed in agony looked up and met the figure in the eyes.

Bright yellow eyes stared straight into his dull brown eyes. A looming figure which seemed to have the height of an Eiffel Tower stood over him.

The tangible aura that waved off his body emitted fear into the man like nothing else. He couldn't help but kneel before his presence.

"N-No!" He swore, crying as he knew his death was inevitable.

"I could already sense them. Seems like you're dying, sir." His lips curled as he put his hand around the man's neck, squishing it into mush instantly.

Hearing the commotion, another group of Nysa members rushed out, coming only a few meters from the lone figure.

"KILL HIM!" The leader of the group shouted in anger.

Following the command, a man bearing an axe dashed forward, swinging it across in an attempt to cut the man's torso in half.

With ease, the man collided blades with his sword, knocking the axe away and leaving the attacker vulnerable.

He pulled his sword outwards, easily piercing through the man's heart and claiming his life instantly.

Not letting up, a swordsman stepped out from behind the man, swinging his sword in an undodgeable arc.

As he pulled out his sword, he parried the blow at the same, and a loud sound of metal clashing with each other rang out.

A relentless onslaught of blows continued shortly after, multiple more soldiers joining in.

It wasn't because of how many people there were that the man struggled. More rather, there weren't any chances to strike.

If he attempted to attack any of them, a blow would come from his blindspot injuring him.

Multiple clangs and clacks emitted from the battle that was taking place, one man versus half a dozen.

'They're different, they're way stronger than the soldiers I met back there.'

Salvador quickly realized this, ducking below a blow and sending out a kick at the knee.


'There we go.'

The man he struck cried out, clutching his knee as he toppled to the floor.

It nastily bent outwards, and blood gushed from the wound.

One of the soldiers looked back. And this was enough to cost him his life as you shouldn't turn your back on an opponent, especially one like Salvador.

Dashing forward, Salvador went to go strike the man, yet he noticed another man coming to intercept the blow.

'He shouldn't be able to dodge this.'

Salvador planted his left foot on the scarlet grass and quickly rotated his body, swinging out his sword as he turned 180 degrees.

As he planned, the sword cleanly severed the head of the man who tried to stop his blow.

The man Salvador used as a decoy awoke from his stupor, lazily slashing at Salvador.


He easily managed to side-step it while staying low, closing in, and was only a few inches from his stomach.

In a vertical movement, he brought his sword up, slicing through the man's stomach and neck, not in half but grave enough that it took his life instantly.

If he did somehow survive it, blood loss would soon kill him.

"With another two gone, I surely won this fight."

Salvador side-stepped to the left, feinting a low blow which his opponent fell for.

Entirely discarding his sword, he lunged forward and grasped the man's collar, placing his foot behind his legs and sweeping him to the floor.

"I never expected martial arts to be useful," Salvador spoke his thought out loud, slamming his foot onto the man's neck to finish him off.

It was only Salvador, a lackie then the leader of the group. "I guess you should just let me kill you, I'll make it free of agony." He cockily said, inwardly sneering.

"Valu, SHOOT!!"

Upon the end of the chant, an invisible bullet of wind tore through the air.

Luckily, Salvador noticed this as it contained a sliver of mana and hastily jumped to the side.


A near-transparent wall of mana materialized from thin air, placed just in the trajectory of the wind bullet.

As the bullet neared, Salvador yelled out another command which the mirror flawlessly executed.


As the two forces clashed, the bullet sank into the mirror. If it were a normal human, they would surely expect the mirror to get shattered and the bullet to continue on like so, but that's not the case.

The man who shot the bullet could see it get absorbed by the mirror, and as it was fully enveloped it shot back out.


The man tried to roll out of the way, but he was too slow.

The bullet ripped through his head, a large cloud of crimson mist spraying into the air.

His body plopped onto the floor, blood spurting from the headless body as it grotesquely squirmed and jerked.

Salvador leaped to the remaining man, launching his knee straight into his nose in his state of shock.

The man shot through the air, colliding headfirst with a tree full of leaves.

The leaves fell and covered his body, dyed in blood as he hacked up mouthfuls of it.

He staggered to his knees, eventually looking up to see Salvador standing above him with a sword in hand.

"This is quite nostalgic... I just can't remember who I did this to." He slyly smiled as he dismembered his head off his shoulders.

'I wish I had a bag or something.' He sighed, having to leave behind all the gear and weapons the men he killed had acquired through whatever means.

'Time to go to that base... Will I have to use mana? That's so exhausting.' He nonchalantly thought.


He began walking east, straight to the Nysa Base that held hundreds of their members.


A large man just finished a phone call, calmly putting it back.

All seemed fine for a moment before he erupted into a fit of rage, bashing and throwing everything in his room.

People from the outside could hear the ruckus but chose to let their boss rage as they would not want to be the victim of it.


If It wasn't clear, the people he was blabbing about were none other than Hugo, Jason, and now Salvador.

The first two already had a massive bounty on their head. Whoever was to bring a head of any of these individuals would receive a 1-T-3 Armor and 1-T-2 Sword as their reward.

Such rewards were very sought after this early in the apocalypse. The two pieces of gear even acted as a set, giving a strong boost to those who were to wear these two. It was a 5+ agility and strength boost for players who had a system.

The man's rage subsided, eventually made another phone call.





A soft voice belonging to an old woman emitted from the phone. "Salvador. He also resides in Altidor like the rest."

The woman sighed, and eventually spoke, "You know I can't do that. He's an S-Tier, if he found out even I could potentially die."

The man stood in silence for a second, contemplating.

"If you won't do it, I will." He bashed the phone and left his office.