Begining Of The Autumnus

POV Florian Axel:

morning arrives a top a perch overlooking town streets and blocks!. the hardest season of the year , leaves falling like they are falling in love with the ground, its the time when everything bursts with its last beauty before the freezing cold as if the nature had saved up all year for the grand finale.well its just like the song "wake me up when september ends" by Green Day ; summer has come to pass and the spring starts and the last of the sakura blooms and falls apart by the end of september with the onset of autumn by the begning of october, I am glad i arrived here in tokyo in the begning of falls. 

Now I start to look around and I peek out of the taxi window; An ocean of crowd filling up the streets set off to their respective destination like streams. An odour of the taxi exhaust ,  blinking of the traffic lights , chukling of the children going to the school with their parents . i have been observing the things and now i can sence almost everything going on in and around me from taxi honks ,  a mid aged man advertising sale offer in the loud speaker to the faint harmony of the boy and a girl conversing in the bus stop.

I remained silent all these time lost in my thoughts and suddenly the direct  sunlight got reflected in the mirror ahead in the bus stop and fell in my eyes ; as if it wanted to grab my attention and i felt like someone familiar was on the bus stop but I could not  see anything and it slowly advanced towards my hands . I could feel its warmth in the bleak and bitter cold environment it was as if my mom held my hands.

You were correct , Mom!!! it is exactly how you described, all these years have passed but nothing has changed but i wish you were here right next to me . i started feeling depressed and sad . I felt like the earth would split and i would fall in those prolonged dark cracks . As a car passed by at a high speed , a strong wind blew my hair aside and it brought me a paper plane . I noticed something was written on that paper plane so i opened it and read the short message . It said " Cheer up, don't be sad!! "it also had a smiling emoji and a Maple leaf . who would have possibly been flying a paper plane in the middle of a busy street in tokyo? . I smiled looking at that childish message. I am really thankful to the one who did this , even if it is just a mere coincidence because I could find my mom's words in it.